Chapter 2189 Was it at that time?

Baili Qinxue blinked in surprise.

This old master Ding is not too stupid, just a little touch, he knew his identity.

Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips, smiled and said nothing.

Although she was smiling, the coldness in her eyes made people shudder. Master Ding trembled all over and felt that the coldness became more and more familiar, and he was more sure that she was Baili Qinxue.

But didn't Baili Qinxue go back? Why did she suddenly appear again and reveal everything about him?
Could it be that she said that she was going to leave was just a pretense, and they actually never left?

He remembered that there were so many people around Baili Qinxue, but why were their faces different from the ones he saw last time? Even Baili Qinxue's appearance had changed a bit?
After Ding Liufeng heard Master Ding's words, he couldn't help retorting, "Father, how could she be Baili Qinxue, their looks are completely different."

Master Ding's heart trembled.

Yes, why is it different?

Could it be the disguise technique?
Master Ding suddenly raised his eyes again, looking at Baili Qinxue with scrutiny, "You must be Baili Qinxue, the coldness in your eyes can't deceive anyone, did you use disguise?"

After Baili Qinxue heard this, she couldn't help clapping her hands, "Master Ding is really smart, he even knew that I used the disguise technique, by the way, these friends of mine also used the disguise technique."

When Master Ding heard the words, he suddenly realized.

No wonder those four guys called her the boss. It turned out that those four guys were the four thieves, her younger brothers.

There are a few others who are estimated to be Zhao Yu and the others. One is the prince of the Southern Continent, and the other is the son of a general. What good deed did Baili Qinxue do in her previous life to become friends with such an honorable person?

Master Ding gritted his teeth, his face turned pale, "You left as a pretense, you already knew that we were going to attack those two brats, so did you pretend to leave?"

Ding Jingtai was slightly shocked. It turned out to be the Patriarch of Baili. She didn't leave and came to rescue them. I really don't know how to thank her.

Ding Chongyang was not much shocked, he had already guessed that it was Baili Qinxue.

Once this guess was confirmed, he was quite happy in his heart.

Baili Qinxue rubbed her fingertips, and said with a smile: "Yes, the eyes of the two brothers of the Ding family are full of calculations, but I can't point it out, I can only wait for you to show your feet, otherwise, it would be bad to startle the snake. ah."

After hearing this, Master Ding's face became even more ugly. It was in vain for him to claim to be smart, but he didn't expect to fall into the hands of a little girl.

His face turned livid, and he asked, "When did you put the crystal ball on Ding Jingtai? He hasn't had any contact with anyone since he was arrested?"

Baili Qinxue gave him a white look, and said, "Stupid, couldn't it be before he was arrested?"

Before being caught?

Master Ding tried his best to recall, but he still couldn't remember. Before he was arrested, he was at a banquet. The servants surrounded the two of them at once. Ding Jingtai couldn't collude with others under his nose at all.

Baili Qinxue sighed, but said nothing.

Dugu Sheng flicked his sleeves, walked forward slowly and said: "Before Ding Jingtai was arrested, didn't I run up to meet him? At that time, I quietly stuffed the crystal ball into his clothes, just I'm too fast, you didn't notice it.

Master Ding's eyes widened suddenly. This person did appear at the banquet. He seemed to be looking for something, so he leaned towards Ding Jingtai. Unexpectedly, it was at that time...

How fast is this man?


(End of this chapter)

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