Chapter 2191 Let me show you something good!

Ding Liufeng trembled, his face turned blue, but in the next second he seemed to come alive, he said: "They must have been brainwashed by you, as long as I wake them up, they will definitely be on my side .”

Seeing that Ding Liufeng's assassination failed, Master Ding couldn't help being disappointed, but seeing that he was not injured, Master Ding couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

This is his precious son, although it is not good, but it is his only son after all, and he must not die, and he will wait for him to take care of himself in the future.

Master Ding heard that Ding Liufeng was going to wake up these people, his eyes lit up, and some joy flashed across, "Liu Feng, can you make the people change their minds?"

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth and didn't speak.

Master Ding knew that he was brewing emotions, so he tactfully didn't ask any questions.

Dugu Sheng cast a look at Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue folded her arms around her chest and said with a sneer, "It's nothing, they are just struggling to die, I want to hear what else they want to say."

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows and looked at the two with interest.

Ding Liufeng lay on the top of the tower and shouted down: "People, don't brainwash these people. It's a lie that Ding Jingtai has a good talent for picking stones. I, Ding Liufeng, have a good talent for picking stones. He Ding Jingtai is just A clown, if you let Ding Jingtai be the head of the family, you will definitely regret it."

The people were pretty firm at first, but after being told by Ding Liufeng, they hesitated.

Although, Ding Jingtai defeated Ding Liufeng, but maybe it was a fluke?
If the Ding family father and son are gone, is it really okay to ask Ding Jingtai to pick stones in the future?

Ding Liufeng saw that there was something going on, and continued his efforts: "Besides, Ding Jingtai is just a stinky boy from the countryside. Even if his father is talented, it doesn't matter if he has no formal training and he is not a good-for-nothing. The last time he won must be a fluke. Don't be fooled by this brat."

After hearing this, Baili Qinxue couldn't help laughing.

Ding Liufeng really dares to say anything, and these people are really too, so they are going to turn against each other so soon?
However, this was also within her expectation. The Ding family became famous very early, and the Ding family father and son lived in the North Continent for a long time, so they naturally have a certain prestige. It is somewhat difficult for the common people to accept Ding Jingtai wholeheartedly.

But it is not impossible, as long as the next dose of strong medicine is enough...

Seeing that the people were loose, Mr. Ding couldn't help but cast an appreciative look at Ding Liufeng.

Sure enough, he is his good son, and he has such a way, haha.

Ding Liufeng played with his fingertips, and said again: "So, for your future protection, you can't drive us out of the Northern Continent. We are the only ones in the Northern Continent with a good talent for picking stones."

The people were dumbfounded by the words, and their eyes became confused.

They are quite right. Although Ding Jingtai is honest, his father is also very talented, but after all, they are living outside. Is the talent for picking stones as good as that of Ding's father and son?

It must be a fluke that Ding Jingtai won the underground rock-picking competition, right?

However, the Ding family father and son are really disgusting, is it really good to keep them, but if they are not kept, Ding Jingtai is really qualified for the role of the head of the family?

The common people muttered in a low voice, and they were in trouble all of a sudden.

The Ding family father and son looked at each other with complacency in their eyes.

Haha, I know the pissing nature of these people, it is too easy to get them hooked by just throwing a bait.

Baili Qinxue walked to the city wall, sighed and said: "Ding Jingtai's strength is beyond doubt, if you still doubt it, I think, after you have seen the things in my hand, you should be able to calm down. ?”


(End of this chapter)

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