Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2195 Open the door to the barren land!

Chapter 2195 Open the door to the barren land!
The Ding family's father and son have great prestige in the Northern Continent, and the common people will never kill them.

If they were only expelled from the Northern Continent, they might still have some moths, but if they were sent to the barren land, with their strength, they would definitely die of old age inside.

As soon as this remark came out, the common people felt that this method was feasible, and they all expressed their approval.

In this way, they will not be obliterated, but they will be punished, and although the barren land is a place that is forgotten by people, as long as they get the door card, they can go out, which is still benevolent in some respects.

Hearing the approval of the people, Baili Qinxue smiled brighter.

After hearing this, the father and son of the Ding family were scared to pee.

The barren land, that is a place that is forgotten by people, they will pick stones, if they are teleported to that kind of place, how can they get the door number to go out?

Maybe I won't be able to get out for the rest of my life.

What difference does that root get obliterated?
The Ding family's father and son looked at Baili Qinxue with hatred in their eyes, and said angrily, "Baili Qinxue, you are so cruel that you actually let us go to a barren land, do you know where that is?"

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and said casually: "It's a place that is forgotten by people, and those heinous people will be thrown there, but as long as you get the door number to go out, you can go out. Speaking of it, it's quite kind, isn't it? ?"

Upon hearing this, the Ding family father and son said angrily, "If you feel kind, then you can go by yourself."

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

She had been to that place a long time ago, and she walked out of it in a fair manner.

The Ding family's father and son were jealous, and started arguing again.

Baili Qinxue looked at them and was amused again. She lowered her eyes to the people and said, "People, what do you think of this proposal?"

"good, very good."

"Ding's father and son have done too many wrong things, this punishment is very good."

"Agreed to send Ding's father and son into the barren land."

"I agree……"

More and more people agreed, the Ding family father and son almost fainted with anger.

Baili Qinxue licked the corner of her lips, and said again: "Since you agree, then send the two father and son to the barren land."

The people agreed again and again.

The father and son of the Ding family turned pale and trembled with anger, "Baili Qinxue, you little bitch, we hate you..."

Baili Qinxue shrugged indifferently, ignored them, and cast her eyes on Ding Jingtai and the others, and asked, "Ding Jingtai, Master Ding not only framed your father, but also killed your father, and took away your father." The position of Patriarch that should belong to your father, at this moment, send them to the barren land, are you still satisfied with this punishment?"

Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang paused for a moment, and couldn't help casting their eyes on her.

Ding Jingtai reacted first, and said: "We are very satisfied with this punishment. If they go to a place like the barren land, the rest of their lives will be ruined. It seems to be more painful than death. This is very good."

Baili Qinxue smiled again, the smile on her face was faint and full of coldness.

Seeing that the overall situation has been settled, the Ding family's father and son felt ashamed.

It's over, go to the barren land, you will never get out...

The two looked into the distance, their eyes dull.

It is actually very simple to teleport people to the barren land. As long as the people in the whole city sing the spell of the teleportation entrance loudly, the gate of the barren land will be opened, and the heinous people will be forcibly transported inside.

At this moment, the people are closing their eyes and chanting incantations in a low voice.

A series of spells sounded, accompanied by beautiful golden charms, as if weaving into a small movement.


(End of this chapter)

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