Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2199 If you have a different heart, it's over!

Chapter 2199 If you have a different heart, it's over!
Ding Jingtai quietly watched their actions without saying anything.

The person who was sent out came back soon, and as soon as he came back, that person's face changed.

As soon as the boys saw him coming back, they surrounded him and asked questions. At the end of the question, the faces of the boys also changed.

It turned out that what the brothers of the Ding family said was true. Master Ding and Ding Liufeng were really transported to the barren land, and the people all supported Ding Jingtai as the head of the Ding family.

When the boys heard the news, they froze in place.

Ding Jingtai is just a countryman who recognized his ancestors a few days ago, how could he have the ability to become the head of the Ding family, and the common people seem to be very optimistic about Ding Jingtai, what is going on?
The boys gathered around and talked, their faces became more and more ugly.

Listening to their discussion, Ding Jingtai flicked his sleeves, and suddenly said: "You don't need to discuss any more, the common people do support me as the Patriarch of the Ding Family, and I also agreed, and the succession ceremony of the Patriarch will be held three days later. will be held."

Ding Jingtai paused and said: "If you people don't want to be loyal to me, you can leave immediately, if you don't want to leave, you can stay, but if I find out that you have different ideas, don't blame me for being rude."

After the words fell, his eyes narrowed, and a ray of majesty and domineering flowed from his eyes.

The boys looked at each other when they heard the words.

After a while, they all knelt on the ground, looked at Ding Jingtai in fear, and said, "Patriarch, don't drive us out, we have worked in Ding's family for many years, and we really don't know where we will go if we leave here. "

"We will be loyal, and we will never have any dissent. If there is any dissent, please ask the Patriarch to punish us severely."

"Patriarch, please don't drive us away."

Ding Jingtai flicked his sleeves and stood quietly.

After all, it was done at Liu Erye's place, and the aura on his body was self-contained, making all the servants shudder.

He lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: "If you have no dissatisfaction, I will not drive you out, and I am now the head of the family and your master. It is best to put your temper back. From now on, please do not Let me and my brother see this expression."

When the boys heard this, their legs trembled.

"We were blind and blind just now, and we will never do this again in the future."

"I also ask the Patriarch to forgive us, we will definitely follow the lead of the Patriarch in the future."

"Please forgive me..."

Ding Chongyang blinked his starry eyes, and looked at Ding Jingtai with admiration.

Ah, brother Jingtai is so handsome, the aura on his body makes people dare not disobey him.

Ding Jingtai withdrew his aura, and said lightly, "Since you didn't know it at the beginning, I will naturally forgive you. If this happens again in the future, I will not be rude."

The boys nodded abruptly.

In the future, everyone will know that he is the head of the family, so who dares to disobey him.

Ding Jingtai saw that the boys were very obedient to discipline, he couldn't help a faint smile on his face, and said: "Okay, now I know your loyalty, you go down first, by the way, the door of the study is locked It’s smashed, you go to clean up the debris in the study first.”

When the boys heard this, they hurriedly walked towards the study.

After the farce ended, Ding Jingtai looked sideways at Baili Qinxue and the others, and said, "Miss Baili, the farce just now made you laugh. I'll let the servant girl take you to the room."

Baili Qinxue nodded, and suddenly said: "Ding Jingtai, your momentum just now was really amazing, and you handled it better than I imagined."


(End of this chapter)

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