Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2201 There are so many people who come to pay their respects!

Chapter 2201 There are so many people who come to pay their respects!
Today is the succession ceremony of the Patriarch of the Ding family. The servants and maids came to decorate together early on, and it took only one morning to give the Ding family a new look.

The whole house was decorated with lights and festoons, bright red silks and satins were constantly flying in the air, and delicacies were being cooked in the small kitchen. I heard that those delicacies were brought from far away, and some of them were gifts from others. The whole scene was astonishingly large, much larger than when the ancestors were recognized and returned to the clan.

When Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang went out from the ancestral hall, those servants and maidservants knelt down and kowtowed, putting on a very respectful appearance.

Ding Jingtai glanced at them, the sky blue robes on his body danced with the wind, once again revealing the aura of the patriarch.

Seeing this, the boys and maids were so frightened that their tongues trembled.

At first, they thought that they were from the countryside, so they should have little knowledge and aura, but they didn't expect that their aura was so amazing, it completely overwhelmed Master Ding and Ding Liufeng before.

At this moment, Master Ding and Ding Liufeng were teleported into the barren land.

They thought that Ding Jingtai alone could not take care of the Ding family well, but Ding Jingtai not only didn't mess around, but took care of it very well, even better than Master Ding.

They had a hunch that if Ding Jingtai became the head of the family, their Ding family would have a new look.

Facing the respect from the servants and maids, Ding Jingtai just raised his lips and smiled faintly, "Get up, everyone, today is the succession ceremony of the Patriarch, if you have anything to do, hurry up and get busy."

Upon hearing this, the servants and maidservants bowed down and immediately got up to go to work.

Ding Jingtai watched the back of them leaving, stood there for a while, and then dragged Ding Chongyang to the front hall.

On the way to the hall, what they saw was red all over the yard, which made them very happy and solemn.

At this moment……

The guests who came to attend the Patriarch's succession ceremony also knocked on the door.

Ding Jingtai hurriedly stepped forward to open the door to greet them in person.

At this moment, he is the current head of the Ding family, and he will live in the Northern Continent for a long time in the future. It is necessary for him to establish a good relationship with the dignitaries on the Northern Continent, and ask them to help if something happens in the future.

The moment the door was opened, people who came to pay their respects rushed in, all carrying expensive items in their hands.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ding, for becoming the next Patriarch of the Ding family."

"Young master Ding can become the head of the Ding family at such a young age, he must have a bright future in the future."

"Master Ding, this is the South China Sea Night Pearl we prepared for you, please accept it."

"Several, you are so polite." Ding Jingtai said polite words, but he also stretched out his hand to accept the gifts they sent one by one.

Ding Jingtai didn't want to accept it at first, but they came to visit intentionally, and they must not compromise their painstaking efforts. Ding Jingtai pursed his lips and had no choice but to accept it.

Ding Chongyang saw that he had a lot of things in his hands, so he couldn't help calling the maids to come over to help, and he took some by himself, "Brother Jingtai, let me get the things in your hands."

Ding Jingtai thought for a while, then handed him the things in his hands.

After Ding Chongyang took it, he handed it over to the maids.

After the maids took the things, they placed these precious things in the backyard.

When the people who came to congratulate him saw Ding Chongyang, they couldn't help but say, "Master Ding, this is your younger brother, he is indeed a good-looking talent, and he will definitely achieve great things in the future."

Although it was a polite remark, the two brothers of the Ding family were still very happy.

Ding Jingtai smiled and said: "You are serious."


(End of this chapter)

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