Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2203 Don't care about our identities!

Chapter 2203 Don't care about our identities!
When Ding Chongyang heard the words, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Okay, I'll take Patriarch Baili and Brother Dugu for a stroll, just to pass the time."

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other and nodded quickly.

The two of them did not change their appearance today, and they have already returned to their original appearance. Baili Qinxue is still wearing a plain white dress. When the wind blows, the chiffon-like white gently blows, as if drawing a charming picture. picture scroll.

Dugu Sheng was still wearing a fiery red robe, the collar was slightly open, revealing delicate collarbone and fair skin, with a smile on his handsome face, looking from a distance, it looked like a famous painting with splashed ink.

The two figures, one red and one white, are a perfect match when walking together.

Ding Chongyang glanced back and couldn't help pursing his lips into a smile.

Patriarch Baili and Big Brother Dugu are a perfect match, they are both talented and beautiful, and have equal strength, awesome!
Baili Qinxue noticed him giggling, and couldn't help asking: "Ding Chongyang, what are you giggling about?"

Hearing this, Ding Chongyang immediately suppressed the smile in his eyes, and said anxiously: "Hehe, I'm not laughing at anything, Patriarch Baili, you read it wrong, hehe..."

Baili Qinxue put her finger between her lips, her eyes were dark, "Hey, did I read it wrong?"

Ding Chongyang nodded suddenly, his face was slightly red.

Dugu Sheng clasped his hands on Baili Qinxue's shoulders, and said: "If he says no, then he won't. Axue should stop asking, and he has reached the age where he should have a little secret."

Baili Qinxue dragged her chin and said, "I see."

After thinking about it, she stopped teasing Ding Chongyang.

Ding Chongyang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Ding Chongyang took them for a stroll, and met many people who came to pay their respects.

As soon as they saw Ding Chongyang, they stopped and said: "You are the younger brother of Patriarch Ding, you are indeed a good-looking talent, I hope you two brothers will help you a lot in the future."

Ding Chongyang nodded with a smile, and said politely: "Naturally."

The people who came to congratulate him immediately smiled, and then saw two people standing behind Ding Chongyang.

It's a man and a woman, and their aura is astonishing. Even if they are wearing not-so-expensive brocade clothes, that kind of demeanor and nobility should not be underestimated.

The people who came to pay their respects were stunned, and then asked: "Mr. Ding, who are these two nobles behind you?"

Ding Chongyang turned his head to look at the two of them, and said with a smile: "Patriarch Baili and Brother Dugu of Xuanwu City, they are both students of Xiling College, and their identities are also extraordinary."

When those who came to pay their respects heard it, they couldn't help but also startled.

It turned out to be a student of Xiling College, and that woman was actually the head of the family.

They had heard about Xuanwu City for a long time. The original four major families no longer existed, and there was only one Baili family in Xuanwu City. Unexpectedly, this young woman turned out to be the head of the family. It was too powerful.

Ding Chongyang smiled, and said again: "When we were living outside, Patriarch Baili took good care of us, just like our reborn parents. We will never forget this kindness in our lifetime."

The implication is that they are people recognized by the Ding family, and they need to be treated with great respect.

When the people who came to pay their respects heard this, they looked at the two with more respectful eyes.

"It's really disrespectful that you two are such powerful people."

"I'm sorry..."

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other.

Baili Qinxue was the first to speak: "You are too polite, today is the succession ceremony of the head of the Ding family, you must not care about our identities."


(End of this chapter)

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