Chapter 2215 Open the city gate wide!
Seeing Xilanlu's displeased expression, the students immediately changed their expressions, and said angrily, "Xilanlu, what kind of expression is this, don't you want to rot this matter in your stomach and not tell us? "

"That's right, it's a good thing we followed you out secretly, otherwise, we wouldn't know about it."

"Xilan Lu, you are really hateful, you actually want to rot this matter in your stomach."

A merciless accusation echoed in her ears, Xilanlu gritted her teeth, her face became extremely ugly, she raised her eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know, and don't slander me, what's wrong with you In my stomach, I never thought of it at all, and don't you know now?"

The students glanced at Xilanlu, their mouths were flat and they said nothing, but their eyes made people uncomfortable.

Xilanlu gritted her teeth and said, "Since you know, why don't you stay where you are, talking non-stop, and leave?"

The students snorted, walked around Xilanlu, turned around and left.

Xilanlu was so angry that she clenched her fingertips tightly and said, "Brother, look at them, they are not polite at all."

Xi Lanming glanced at her, and said softly, "Did you not want to tell them this from the beginning?"

Xilan Lu flattened her mouth and argued, "How can I, they and I are classmates, how can I be so bad..."

After saying that, Xilanlu tugged at the corner of Xilanming's clothes, and acted like a baby to her heart's content.

Xi Lanming moved the corners of her lips and murmured, "I, am I?"

Xilan pouted greenly, a little unhappy and said: "Of course it is, brother, are you doubting me?"

Xi Lanming glanced at her again, but didn't speak.

Xilanlu tugged at the hem of his clothes again, and said, "Brother, let's leave soon, I can't stay in this ghostly place anymore, and the other students are leaving too, we can't be left behind."

Xi Lanming muttered softly, "It's good to be left behind..."

He wanted to see if those students could go out, and it would be good to pull some cannon fodder to the front.

He really couldn't believe what Xi Lanlu said.

The students had already arrived at the gate of the city. Seeing this, the gatekeeper immediately asked them to go back.

The students didn't listen to his dissuasion, and directly yelled, "We're going out now, you kid, don't stand in front of us."

"That's right, we can't stay in this ghostly place anymore, and as long as people with high levels can go out unimpeded, but these instructors didn't tell us, it's really weird..."

"Open the city gate immediately, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

The gatekeeper pursed his lips. He saw that the grades of these students were not much higher. They were just going out to die.

The gatekeeper earnestly persuaded: "It is true that people with high ranks can go out, but no one knows how high the ranks need to be. Your ranks are not high, so why go out to die?"

When the students heard this, their expressions became extremely ugly.

Dare to say that their level is not high, are you courting death?

"You actually said that our level is not high. Could it be that you are very high?"

"Even if we are not tall, we are taller than you. Are you a sick gatekeeper?"

"Hurry up and open the door, otherwise, we will be the first to kill you. Anyway, those of you who can't get out will die sooner or later."

The students' speech became more and more ugly, and the gatekeeper's face became more and more ugly.

These students must be sick, he is doing it for their own good...

Forget it, he doesn't care whether he lives or dies.

The gatekeeper raised his eyebrows and opened the city gate. The sound of the city gate opening was extremely heavy.

When the students heard it, their eyes lit up a little.

Haha, they can finally leave this ghost place.


(End of this chapter)

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