Chapter 2217 Huh, a group of cowards!

Seeing that she was speechless, Xi Lanming sneered angrily, and said, "Hehe, you are speechless now, Xilan Lu, are you looking for this opportunity to kill me?"

Xilanlu turned pale when she heard the words, she hurriedly shook her head and said: "Brother, what are you talking about, how could I possibly want to kill you, I did hear from the instructors that as long as the level People who are tall can go out of the city."

Xi Lanming looked at the charred corpses outside, and said angrily again: "That's just a high level, you know how many levels you need to be considered a high level, do you know how many levels you need to be fine?"

Xilanlu was stopped by the question and didn't know what to say for a while.

Xi Lanming said again with a cold face: "You don't know anything, and you dare to let me out of the city. You really want to kill me. I am the prince of the Western Continent. Can you bear the responsibility if I die?"

Xilanlu's face turned pale again when he heard the words, "Brother, I really didn't mean to harm you..."

Xi Lanming glanced at her with anger in his eyes, but he didn't speak.

Xilanlu was so frightened that she dared not speak with her trembling lips.

She just wanted to leave here, and take Xi Lanming along with her, how could it be her fault in the end?
If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have taken Xi Lanming with me, damn it.

Xi Lanming seemed to have seen through her thoughts, and said with a cold smile: "Do you think it would be nice if you didn't tell me, then you can leave now, and I'll just pretend I don't know."

He is the prince, how could he take such a risk.

Xilanlu glanced at the charred corpse, and was frightened to death again. She bit her lip and shook her head hastily, "It's so scary, I don't want to go out, I don't want to go out again..."

For a moment just now, Xilanlu really wanted to leave here, but when she saw those corpses, she was scared all of a sudden.

Her level is also similar to that group of people, if she goes out, she will definitely die, so she doesn't want to die so badly, so ugly.

Xi Lanming gave her a hard look, and said, "It's really useless, didn't you really want to leave just now, why did you change your mind now?"

Xilanlu's face became ugly when he heard this, "Brother, I'm your sister, why do you say these things to me? dead?"

Xi Lanming snorted coldly, "You want me to die, right?"

Xilanlu gritted her teeth angrily, but said nothing.

The other students who hadn't left the city were scared to pee when they saw the tragedy in front of them.

They slumped on the ground, raised their heads and glared at Xilanlu, "Xilanlu, you actually framed us with those words just now, look, everyone who listened to your words died, fortunately we walked slowly, otherwise We're going to die too."

"Xilanlu, did you intentionally kill us?"

"Xilanlu, so many people were killed by you, why don't you want to be with them?"

Xi Lanlu's face turned ashen when he heard the words.

Xi Lanming glanced at her, but didn't even try to smooth things over for her.

Xilanlu gritted her teeth and said: "I didn't mean to harm you, and the instructors did say that as long as the level is high, they can go out. They must die because the level is not high."

Xilanlu paused for a moment and said again: "And they were swallowed to death by the weather, which has nothing to do with me."

Ask her to be their company, dream it.

"Xilanlu, you are making too much sense." After staring at Xilanlu for a few times, the students left angrily.

Now they dare to leave the city?

Life-saving is the most important thing.

Xilanlu looked at their leaving figure, and a teasing flashed in her eyes, "Hmph, a bunch of cowards."


(End of this chapter)

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