Chapter 222 This is the Strong

Such a strong power, even stronger than before.

The wind blade seems to be shining with a strange cold light under the moonlight, and it falls straight towards Baili Qinxue's door like a torrential rain. It's so strong, but...

Baili Qinxue frowned, there was no fear in her eyes.

She put the blood-activating pill into her mouth at once, looked at the dense wind blades, curled her mouth slightly, and suddenly smiled, she hadn't fought well since the college battle, so she didn't know what her strength would be at the moment.

She is looking forward to whether the fire can beat the wind.

The magic staff in her hand exuded a cold light under the moonlight, and her anger scattered. Dugu Sheng built a water barrier for her in front of her, and Baili Qinxue's footsteps flashed, bullying her.

"Swish, swish, swish" the blazing fire magic surrounded the assembled wind blades.

Because of eating the Huoxue Pill, her fire magic is stronger than before.

The wind blade is slightly dumb, the sixth-level low-level fire magic is so hot...

While he was in a daze, Baili Qinxue took advantage of the victory to pursue, and suddenly threw several fireballs at him.

The fireball is so hot that it seems to be able to illuminate the entire sky!
A raging fire, a piece of fiery red.

The wind blade was startled, it was so powerful fire, he couldn't dodge in time and was hit by the fireball.

Ah, it hurts, burning pain.

And throw it directly on his ass, the ass will be burned...

Fengren immediately lay on his back on the grass, and after rolling a few laps on it, the flames hadn't dissipated. He gritted his teeth in pain and hurriedly used his own wind magic to blow out the fire. As soon as the fire was blown out, he felt I came back to life, but it still hurts to death when I move.

That girl shot too hard.

"I told you, you can't destroy me." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, the staff in her hand was as clear and cold as the expression in her eyes, very cold.

Even through the bamboo hat, Feng Ren could feel the coldness emanating from her eyes.

He was startled, and took a step back in a hurry.

"Miss Axue is amazing." When Mu Liu was free, she freed her hand and made a gesture for her.And he didn't expect that she would be so powerful. The wind magic just now was so powerful, but she didn't panic in the face of danger, but instead bullied her to meet her.

Simply shocking.

Baili Qinxue also made a gesture to him, and asked, "I have solved the wind magic on my side, how is your side, do you need help?"

"No need at all." Mu Liu swung his sword, and all movements were neat and clean.

Although Xiejian's swordsmanship is tricky and unpredictable, Mu Liu's swordsmanship is superior and has completely suppressed him. Baili Qinxue stood there and watched with fascination, such a powerful swordsmanship, and such a keen reaction , and rich combat experience.

This is the strong.

Baili Qinxue clenched her fists, that was the path she had been pursuing all along, the path of the strong, she wanted to become stronger than anyone else.

Dugu Sheng felt the aura emanating from her body, and couldn't help being slightly stunned.

This is the aura of wanting to become stronger, so attractive!
His sister is really the best.

While the two of them were thinking wildly, Mu Liu had beaten the remaining three to the ground. He approached step by step with his sword in hand. They carried them to a safe place.

Xie Jian opened his eyes with difficulty, and when he saw a small black shadow below, he quickly pointed out: "Wind Blade, it's below."

That's right, the wind blade that was burned by Baili Qinxue's buttocks is still underneath, he can't move, his butt hurts when he moves.

The corner of Lone Wolf's mouth twitched, and said, "I actually forgot about him..."

"Bastard lone wolf!" Feng Ren gnashed his teeth angrily underneath.


 Thank you user.A reward of 100 book coins.Fifth watch, I went to sleep and was so tired.

(End of this chapter)

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