Chapter 2236 The fainting evil sword!

There is no shadow of the monster in Xinghua City, and the corpse of the monster does not seem to exist.

Seeing this, the common people became more daring, but the depression scene in Xinghua City extinguished the excitement that had just risen in their hearts little by little.

They were walking around in the city, and suddenly heard that Xiling College was going to hold a celebration banquet, they pursed their lips, and a flash of ridicule and anger flashed in their eyes.

"What time is this? Those people from Xiling College are still thinking about throwing a celebration party?"

"They are happy themselves, don't they care about our life or death?"

"The people of Xiling College still have ingredients to prepare a celebration banquet?"

"That's right, if there are ingredients, don't give us any. Our ingredients are almost exhausted..."

Several commoners rolled their eyes and said, "Why don't we go to Xiling College to steal ingredients, they are quality students, they will definitely not beat us to death, but will give us ingredients instead. "

The other people nodded their heads when they heard the words.

"This is indeed a good way. We are so hard-pressed, and they even think about holding a celebration banquet. It feels disgusting to think about it."

"The people of Xiling College really don't have a good thing..."

The common people spoke as if no one was there, and there was a hint of greed in their eyes.

Baili Qinxue took a full look at them, she pursed her lips, and almost spat it out.

That kind of gaze is really disgusting, making people want to tear it apart.

Zhao Yu couldn't listen anymore, he walked down the tower and stood beside the common people, saying, "You are still alive and well, it is because of those bad people from Xiling Academy that you said."

When the people heard the words, they all cast their eyes on Zhao Yu.

"who are you?"

"What business do we have to talk to you?"

Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows, and his tall and straight body had a strong smell: "I am from Xiling College. When we were fighting the enemy bravely just now, you hid in the house and couldn't come out. Now you still have the face to accuse us of giving it to you." Your guts?"

The people were taken aback by his aura, but they were still not afraid of death and said: "You are so powerful, you should protect ordinary people like us..."

Zhao Yu was amused, and swears directly, "You are our ancestors, you still protect us, we are too busy to take care of ourselves, who has the heart to protect you, you are not dead now, we should be thankful that we are capable, Don't talk about what you have or what you don't."

The people swallowed their saliva and did not speak.

At this moment……

Wei Nanzi came here, and the emperor's air on his body made the people breathless, "If you continue to babble, when the monsters come to attack the city later, the prince will throw you outside the city, and let the monsters eat you up." If you are exhausted, you will also treat your mouths along the way."

When the common people heard the words, they were immediately persuaded.

Wouldn't it be a miserable death if thrown into the pile of monsters?

The people were silent and ran back home in fright.

Zhao Yu blinked, "Azi, you have a poisonous mouth..."

Wei Nanzi shrugged indifferently, and said, "You should say something serious to these greedy people."

Zhao Yu nodded immediately after hearing the words, "That's right."

At this moment……

Xiejian was injured, and his face became paler and paler.

Seeing this, Lin Wanwan's heart trembled, "Well, Xiejian, why is your face getting paler and paler?"

It was just a surprise attack by a monster, and I also took a pill. What the hell is going on?
"I, it's fine..." After saying that, Xie Jian felt his eyes go dark, and he fainted directly on the ground.

Lin Wanwan suddenly widened his eyes.

"Evil Sword..."


(End of this chapter)

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