Chapter 2239 Ah, will you die?

Zhao Yu swallowed his saliva and said: "If it can't heal, should we wait for the wound to fester to a certain extent and die?"

Hearing the death, Lin Wanwan's eyes widened suddenly, and he said, "Well, Xiejian won't die, and he still wants to accompany me to eat good food, right, smelly bear?"

The stinky bear blinked its watery eyes, as if responding to Lin Wanwan's words.

Lin Wanwan patted the stinky bear on the head, and said: "Look, the stinky bear also thinks that Xie Jian will not die, he will definitely get better..."

At the end, Lin Wanwan's eyes darkened, looking at Xie Jian's wound that could not heal, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Baili Qinxue put her hand on her chin, "Xilanlu's wound was caused by a monster, and the wound was worse than Xiejian. Did she heal after swallowing Xiao Huan Dan at that time?"

Lin Wanwan put his hand between his lips and recalled, "It seems to have healed, just like the beginning of Xiejian. The wound of Xiejian also healed at the beginning, but after a while it became like this..."

So, Xiao Huan Dan can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause?

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and murmured softly, "I don't know how Xilanlu is doing now, if it can be like the evil sword, then we have to hurry up and find a way."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yu hurriedly said, "Then let's inquire about it quickly?"

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and said: "It's too eye-catching for so many people to go, let the stinky bear go, doesn't it want to seek revenge from Xilanlu, it can take advantage of people's danger."

When the stinky bear heard it, it immediately became energetic. It jumped out of Lin Wanwan's arms, shook its hair, and ran directly to Xilanlu's residence.

It will definitely accomplish the task given to it by the great Summoner.

The stinky bear jumped up and down, and soon came to Xilanlu's residence.

Xilanlu lay on the bed like a dead dog, her face was unbelievably pale, her eyes were closed tightly, and the stinky bear cast her eyes on Xilanlu's wound again.

At first glance, it was also taken aback.

Nima, it's worse than Xiejian, the pus has flowed all over the bed, if it continues to flow, it probably won't last for a few days, tsk tsk tsk, it's too miserable.

The stinky bear stuck out its tongue, and slapped Xilanlu's face mercilessly.

Hey, let this ugly woman bully her master, let it fall into her hands now!

Hey, shoot her to death!

The smelly bear slapped her face hard, and soon there were small black footprints on her face.

After patting it a few more times, the stinky bear moved its paw away.

Hmph, it's a noble and magnanimous monster, now that the ugly woman looks half-dead, it just let her go.

The stinky bear shook its ears, ready to tell the summoner this information.

It left Xilanlu's residence, and soon came to Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips when she heard the information brought back by the stinky bear, "Xilan Green is also in the same condition as Xie Jian, but Xilan Green was seriously injured, and her condition is even worse now."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but screamed.

The three thieves looked at the unconscious Xie Jian with worried faces, "Then what should we do, Xie Jian is our good brother, how can we just watch our good brother die?"

Zhao Yu also felt a little uncomfortable, "Let me try the healing magic again, shall I?"

Zhao Yu is going to try again, what if it really works?

But after a burst of white light dissipated, Xie Jian still looked half-dead.


(End of this chapter)

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