Chapter 2245 Still thinking about food!

Indeed, as Lin Wanwan said, Xiejian's arm is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the arm that was muddy with pus is now smooth as usual, just like magic.

Seeing this, the three thieves immediately laughed out loud, "Haha, this boy Xiejian deserves to die, but fortunately he didn't waste the god-level pill of the boss."

Zhao Yu poked Xie Jian's ruddy face with a smile, "It's a good thing you're not a prodigal, if the god-level pill is useless, we won't bother you."

He poked very hard, Xie Jian's face was poked into various shapes.

Seeing this, Lin Wanwan gave Zhao Yu a blank look, and said, "Ah Yu, you are a child, and Xie Jian is a wounded person, can you stop poking him like this?"

Hearing that Lin Wanwan was speaking for Xiejian, Zhao Yu withdrew his hand aggrievedly, "I suddenly feel so sad for the stupid girl to speak for others..."

Lin Wanwan ignored Zhao Yu, but stared at Xie Jian for a moment, seeing that he hadn't woken up yet, she couldn't help but smirk.

Seeing Zhao Yu's stupid look, Wei Nanzi couldn't help but said, "Put away your stupid look, I know you're not that sad."

Zhao Yu glanced at him, but was so angry that he didn't speak.

Jing Ye looked at Baili Qinxue curiously. This woman is so powerful that she can refine a god-level elixir.

Who in the entire continent can refine such an awesome pill?

Could it be that the last time she was concocting medicine in her room, what she made was god-level?
No wonder it smells so good, it makes people feel refreshed.

Jing Ye clenched his fingertips tightly, and the curiosity in his eyes was gradually replaced by a touch of respect, which was simply too powerful, like a pervert.

"Well, why isn't Xie Jian awake?" Seeing that Xie Jian was still awake, Lin Wanwan couldn't help poking his face again.

Baili Qinxue looked at Xie Jian's healed arm and rosy cheeks, she retracted her gaze, and comforted her: "Now Xie Jian has recovered, I believe he will wake up soon, Lin Wanwan, don't worry .”

Lin Wanwan let out a "huh" and nodded.

After a while, Xie Jian groaned, and he really woke up not long after.

As soon as he woke up, he saw so many people in the room. He blinked and couldn't react. He opened his mouth and spoke slowly, "Why are you all here? Boss, why are you also here?"

He felt as if he had had a long dream. After waking up from the dream, he didn't expect to see so many people, which almost frightened him.

Xie Jian licked the corner of his mouth, and said again: "Or, are you going to eat something?"

He remembered that there was a celebration banquet, and there must be delicious food at the celebration banquet.

Hearing that Xie Jian was still thinking about eating, black lines appeared on everyone's foreheads.

This stupid boy walked through the gate of hell just now, but he didn't expect that he only wanted to eat.

"Xiejian, don't you really know what happened to you just now?" Baili Qinxue looked at Xiejian, with a hint of ridicule in her dark eyes, "The celebration banquet is over, not long ago .”

What, it's over?
He hasn't eaten anything yet...

"I, what's wrong?" Xie Jian tilted his head.

Baili Qinxue put her hand between her lips, her eyes were dark and difficult to understand, "You fainted just now, and the condition is very bad. It is because you were unconscious, you guessed that you missed the celebration banquet."

Xie Jian narrowed his eyes, he was as strong as a cow, how could he faint, damn it.

However, he vaguely remembered that he seemed to have really passed out. At that time, he felt that his arm was so painful, as if the whole body was festering.

Xie Jian asked: "What the hell, what happened?"


(End of this chapter)

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