Chapter 225
Baili Qinxue didn't put down the herbs in her hands, but handled them all neatly. She didn't want to let go of the medicine refining Daoxing now, and she turned her head to look at Dugu Sheng after putting the herbs into the furnace. He opened the mouth and said, "I will rest after I finish refining this furnace. If you are sleepy, go to bed first."

Dugu Sheng pursed his mouth, he still wanted to rub her limp body, he pulled the quilt and lay down on his side, smacked his mouth and said: "Then sister, I'll go to bed first, you should also rest earlier."

Baili Qinxue bent her lips, and responded softly. The flickering candles in the room reflected her face crystal clear.


About an hour later, another batch of elixir was refined, and it was still the return to the gods. The quality of the middle-grade return to the gods was above [-], so five pills in one batch, it was considered a good result.

She dodged into the space, washed up with well water, and then came out. When she came out, she saw Dugu Sheng was already asleep, her mouth was wide open and she was spitting out bubbles, and her face was pink and cute. Sleeping appearance is not very good, always like to kick the quilt.

Stupid little bun, even in summer, he will catch a cold.

Baili Qinxue smiled helplessly, and helped him tuck the quilt. After everything was done, she also pulled the quilt away and fell asleep.

Yesterday was tiring all day, today is finally on the right track, Baili Qinxue is sitting in the pharmacy sorting the herbs, Dongfang Duoer always throws a few knives at her from time to time, presumably it is because of the battle, so I hold her grudge Come on, really narrow-minded, Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and didn't plan to pay attention to her.

Seeing that she ignored her, Dongfang Duo'er became even more angry, but she is just a poor girl, ignoring her?

Dongfang Duo'er was annoyed. Seeing that Baili Qinxue was fiddling with the herbs on the table, some of them had been sorted out and placed on the corner of the table. Her eyes lit up slightly, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

With a sound of "shua", all the herbs on the corner of the table were knocked over.

Dongfang Duo'er pretended to be panicked and said, "Oh, how could I be so careless and overturn the medicinal herbs that you worked so hard to organize, I will apologize to you right now."

Her eyes are full of schadenfreude, so there's nothing wrong with her.

Baili Qinxue bent the corners of her eyes, even though she was smiling, the pupils were extremely deep, and when she looked into them, she seemed to be able to freeze people's souls, she pursed her lips, and said softly: "These are the leftover waste products. , the ones in front of me are the good herbs that have just been sorted out."

Baili Qinxue pointed to the herb in front of her.

They are all extremely green and lush, and some leaves on the ground are all withered and yellow.

Dongfang Duo'er gritted her teeth. Just now, she gloated and thought that if she overturned all the herbs she had sorted out, she could let her sort them out again. If she didn't sort them out well, she might be reprimanded by Teacher Zhao. She thought beautifully , but the reality was not as expected. What she knocked over were all waste herbs, which was a waste of her feelings.

"Since all the waste herbs have been knocked over, can Miss Dongfang throw them all into the bamboo basket in front of you?" Baili Qinxue pointed to the bamboo basket, which was specially used for waste products.

Dongfang Duo'er's complexion was ashen, after overturning the waste herbs, she had to throw them into the bamboo basket for her, why did she feel like she was slapping herself?
She pursed her lips tightly, but she refused to bend down that precious waist.

It's a disgrace that the eldest lady of her dignified Dongfang family wants to help a commoner throw things away, and she will resolutely refuse to do it.

"Duo'er, why are you full of waste medicinal herbs in front of you? Did you overturn it? The bamboo basket is right in front of you, why don't you tidy it up..." Before she left the scene, Teacher Zhao's voice came from behind .


(End of this chapter)

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