Chapter 2256 Why push students down?

These people are ordinary people. It is reasonable to say that in such a critical moment, it is impossible to engage in such small tricks. Are they desperate?
Mu Liu glanced at the people, and asked sharply, "Why did you push the students under the tower for no reason? Don't you want to be at ease, don't you want to live?"

The common people pursed their lips and remained silent, the numbness in their eyes was horrifying.

Seeing that the people were silent, Mu Liu raised his eyebrows again, his face a little ugly.

Xuanyuan Po lowered his eyes, his eyes were cold and hard, with a bit of horror, "Why don't you ask me something, or do you want to be pushed into the tower to feed the monsters?"

His eyes were extremely serious, as if he was going to push these people down in the next second.

Mu Liu couldn't help being taken aback when she heard the words, "Hey Xuanyuan Po, you won't really want to push them down, will you?"

Xuanyuan Po didn't speak, but still looked straight at those common people.

The common people were not frightened by Xuanyuan Po's words, they said with numb eyes: "Hmph, when we decided to push the students down, we never thought about getting out alive, you push us down, life for life Alright haha."

After Mu Liu heard this, she couldn't help squinting her eyes, "Are these people crazy?"

He could feel the unusualness of those common people, as if they had been blackened.

"It's really crazy." Xuanyuan Po snorted coldly, and didn't take them to heart, he still said coldly: "You are really very courageous, it seems that you are not willing to say what the purpose is, but it doesn't matter, since you are so fearless If you die, I will slowly torture you with a small knife until the end."

The people blinked their eyes, a little confused.

Xuanyuan Po said expressionlessly: "It is to use a small knife to cut off your flesh piece by piece without killing you. When you faint, then apply salt or chili oil on your wounds, and wait for you to wake up." We will continue to mow until you die..."

When Mu Liu heard the words, she almost spat out.

It was the first time he knew that Xuanyuan Po was so bloody, and he usually had a decent appearance, but he didn't expect such bloody jokes to be easy to grasp.

When the people heard the words, there were some fluctuations in their eyes, obviously frightened.

"You are a mentor, you dare not do this to us..." the people bit their lips and said.

Xuanyuan Po shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "There is nothing you dare not do, and you all pushed the students of our academy down, so we are taking advantage of you by letting you die for your life."

Some ordinary people, how can they compare with those talented students.

Seeing Xuanyuan Po's serious expression, the people gradually believed his words.

If they want to die in such pain, they might as well feed the monsters directly, but unfortunately, they can't break free at all.

Xuanyuan Po raised his eyebrows, and said again: "Besides, you don't seem to have any will to survive, so there's nothing wrong with letting me torture you to death like this, right?"

The people's eyes widened suddenly. What kind of logic is this?
Tortured to death, thanks to him being able to figure it out...

"Why are you like this? How can you be so bloody thanks to you being a mentor?" The people began to complain, and there was a bit more will to survive in their eyes. Just killing them can't die like this.

Xuanyuan Po snorted coldly, but did not speak.

The commoners swallowed their saliva, and finally said: "We did this only when we were forced to do so. We had the nerve to say that the monsters were driven away, and we had the nerve to hold a celebration banquet. Unexpectedly, the monsters came to attack the city again today." gone."


(End of this chapter)

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