Chapter 2262 Attacked by a monster!

Xuanyuan Po couldn't think of a way for a while, so he could only shake his head and said: "I don't know what to do in a short time, so I can only figure it out slowly."

When the students heard this, they couldn't help panicking, "Oh my God, even Teacher Xuanyuan doesn't know the solution, so they are all going to die?"

The students secretly rejoiced that they were not injured, but when they thought that the monsters would attack the city again, the chance of them being injured was a little higher, and they couldn't help but feel a little sad secretly.

Will they be wounded soon, and will they not die?
Thinking of this, the students shuddered all over, and their faces became a little ugly.

"Teacher Xuanyuan, if we can't think of a way, if we are injured, will we die too?" The students trembled and their faces turned pale.

Not good, people's hearts began to become unstable again.

Xuanyuan Po narrowed his eyes, and said: "Calm down first, if you fight in this state, you will definitely be eaten away by monsters."

Hearing this, the students shook their bodies again, not knowing what to say for a while.

At this moment……

The gatekeeper unexpectedly ran in with a look of excitement.

Seeing the smile on his face, Xuanyuan Po couldn't help asking: "What is so happy?"

The gatekeeper licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Mr. Xuanyuan is a good thing. Cang Molian from the Northern Continent has actually come to our Xinghua City. I don't know why."

Cang Molian from the Northern Continent actually came?
Why come at this time?

Xuanyuan Po raised his eyebrows.

The students were delighted when they heard this.

Haha, Cang Molian, the president of the Alchemist Guild, is here. If you take the elixir he made, will the wounds of those students heal?

If they can heal, they don't have to die!

When the students thought of this, the smiles on their faces couldn't stop, "Teacher Xuanyuan, President Cang Molian has come to our Xinghua City, hurry up and invite them in, maybe he can save these students."

Xuanyuan Po also thought it made sense when he heard the words, he said to the gatekeeper: "You lead the way ahead, I have to go and see what's going on."

The gatekeeper thought of the seriousness of the matter, nodded quickly and said, "Teacher Xuanyuan, please follow me."

Xuanyuan Po followed the gatekeeper's footsteps, and soon saw Cang Molian and his group.

Cang Molian brought a lot of people, basically those who Xuanyuan Po met in the college competition, they basically knew each other, but the two extra women seemed a little strange to Xuanyuan Po.

"Guild Master Cang." Xuanyuan Po bowed and said, "Why did you come to our Xinghua City?"

Cang Molian stood alone, with an outstanding temperament, "I originally wanted to come to Xinghua City to rescue soldiers, but I didn't expect that the situation here is also like this..."

After the words fell, Cang Molian seemed to sigh softly.

Xuanyuan Po frowned when he heard the words, "What do you mean, your Northern Continent has become like this?"

Cang Molian didn't speak, but the two women beside him said: "Yes, a lot of monsters came suddenly, we came to ask for help, I didn't expect that this place is so depressed, maybe there are also monsters invading ?”

The two women are Bei Ruyue and Bei Fanxing, they followed Cang Molian and the others to rescue the soldiers.

Xuanyuan Po said: "As you can see, we just experienced a battle against monsters..."

Unexpectedly, the Northern Continent was also attacked by monsters...

When Bei Ruyue and Bei Fanxing heard the words, their faces changed involuntarily.

Cang Molian also had a flash of emotion on her face, "Then we came at the wrong time, and you will be attacked by monsters."


(End of this chapter)

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