Chapter 2300 A giant monster appeared!
The smile on Qingkuo's face was suppressed, and he said seriously: "Little pink, don't let your guard down."

Chi Yao knew that this green dragon was very vigilant, so he turned his head and said to Little Pink: "Listen to it, don't let your guard down."

Hearing this, Little Pink nodded in a daze.

What happened to these two ancient mythical beasts breathing out from one nostril?

Under the leadership of the two ancient beasts, the battle proceeded in an orderly manner. The evil monsters were retreating steadily, and they seemed to lose their temper after being tortured.

Seeing this, the people on the tower immediately burst into a relieved smile, "Haha, this strategy is really good, those evil monsters have been defeated by us, and we will win soon."

"Yeah, look at those two transformed monsters, one with cyan hair and the other with fiery red hair. Not only do they have handsome faces, but their aura is also not to be underestimated. I don't know what kind they are."

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other and smiled.

Those are the ancient mythical beasts Qinglong and Suzaku, and they didn't scare these people to death.

Mu Liu patted Xuanyuan Po's shoulder, and said, "Xuanyuan Po, look at those two transformed monsters, they are brave and good at fighting, they are super powerful, what kind do you think they are?"

Xuanyuan Po calmly analyzed, "He is brave and good at fighting, and his spiritual sense is strong. Maybe he is a divine beast..."

Mythical beast?

Mu Liu was slightly taken aback, but after realizing it, she felt that it made sense, "Maybe it's really a divine beast. Girl Axue and Dugu Sheng have always been mysterious and very powerful. It's true that they hide divine beasts." possible."

Zhao Yu and the others heard what Xuanyuan Po was talking about about divine beasts.

Darling, is it a divine beast?
Sure enough, following them there was meat to eat.

Cang Molian was also attracted by the two ancient divine beasts, "Is it a divine beast, or is it an ancient divine beast..."

Chu Yuedao didn't hear clearly, "President Cang, what are you muttering, I didn't hear clearly."

Cang Molian shook her head, but said nothing.

This Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng are like a luminous body, people can't help but cast their eyes on it.

Under the castle.

The battle went smoothly. The two ancient beasts led the team and killed several bloody roads. When it was about to win, there was another vibration between the sky and the earth.

Boom and boom, the city tower began to vibrate. Some students had poor balance and almost fell down.

Baili Qinxue grabbed the pillars beside her and said, "Try to hold on to the things around you to keep your balance, and don't fall."

As soon as this remark came out, the students grabbed the surrounding pillars desperately, and they were about to die if they fell.

"What's going on here?" Bei Ruyue gritted her teeth and asked, "Seeing that we are about to win, why did it suddenly vibrate again?"

Baili Qinxue frowned and said: "It must be the mastermind behind the scenes. He didn't want us to win easily, so he set up many obstacles for us."

After Bei Ruyue heard this, she was so angry that she almost vomited blood, "The problem is that we didn't have an easy time at all, and we didn't win, okay? That man behind the scenes is too perverted..."

The vibration lasted for a few seconds and then gradually stopped.

Baili Qinxue stuck her head out and looked around, "Has it stopped?"

Dugu Sheng rubbed her head and said, "It should be..."

And this time...

A student yelled, "Look there, there is a huge monster, what is that?"


What horrible thing did Dugu Mantian make again?

Baili Qinxue raised her eyes and glanced at the past, her eyes couldn't help being dazed for a moment, that is... what is it?


(End of this chapter)

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