Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2304 All space warcraft are dispatched! !

Chapter 2304 All space warcraft are dispatched! !
Hearing this, Chi Yao shook his fiery red hair, with an expression of dominance.

It is the ancient mythical beast Suzaku, would it be afraid of these useless, useless little monsters?

It's just that there are too many, and it takes time to deal with it.

Baili Qinxue didn't worry too much when she saw Chiyao's easygoing appearance, but it was not a solution to go on like this, she definitely had to find a solution.

Baili Qinxue sang slowly, and in an instant, a golden light flew around her.

Everyone's eyes widened and they held their breath.

This is the summoner chanting, about to summon powerful creatures.

Everyone stared blankly, and it didn't take long for the creatures to appear.

More than a dozen creatures were wearing armor and looked majestic.

Zhao Yu's heart once again burst into blood, "No matter how many times I watch it, I still feel that the little girl's life is very majestic and powerful."

Lin Wanwan bit his finger and said, "Well, it's so majestic, I really want to touch it..."

Zhao Yu poked his palm, "I really want to touch it too, I wonder if these creatures are warm or not, will they be slapped flying?"

When Baili Qinxue heard their discussion, she turned her head and said, "The creatures are quite gentle. If you want to touch them, I'll let you touch them after the war is over."

When Zhao Yu and the others heard it, their eyes lit up a little, "Okay, we must touch it when the war is over."

Baili Qinxue hooked the corners of her lips and said nothing.

Under the castle.

With the participation of the creatures, the war has been pacified. Although the evil monsters are backed by huge monsters, they shrugged their heads at this moment, looking a little sluggish.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but brow with joy, and praised the infinite power of those creatures.

Baili Qinxue glanced at the commotion below, and calmly said: "Don't relax too early, the war is only temporarily calmed down, we don't know what the black hand behind the scenes will do."

Her voice was clear and light, instantly dispelling the joy in everyone's hearts.

That's right, now is not the time for joy, only by driving these monsters out can they seek peace.

Seeing thousands of monsters approaching, Dugu Sheng thought of the familiar voice just now, so he couldn't help but clenched Baili Qinxue's palm, and frowned.

Baili Qinxue asked, "What's wrong?"

Dugu Sheng gritted his teeth, "You should recognize who that voice is, I don't know why he did that, but I really feel sorry..."

"It doesn't matter." Baili Qinxue shook her head, "It's none of your business at all. Besides, he knew you were still here, but he even killed him. I don't think the relationship between you and him is that simple."

Dugu Sheng's eyes darkened slightly, "I think so too. After the war is over, we must go to the island to find out."

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "Me too, that's exactly what I mean."

at this time……

There was a loud "bang", and the tower they were in shook three more times, and then there was a sound of "cracking", and a gap was cracked on the tower they were in.

In an instant, the pebbles rolled down, and if they were hit hard again, the tower would collapse.

The students panicked.

"The tower is about to collapse..."

""It's too powerful, Second Master Liu and those evil monsters are too powerful..."

"We're screwed..."

There was another loud bang, and the tower was crumbling.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, squinted her eyes and chanted, and all the little monsters in the space came out in an instant.

Thousands of monsters gathered on the city tower, making the students look confused.

There are so many monsters, all from Baili Qinxue?
Baili Qinxue ignored their surprised gazes, turned her head and told the little monsters, "The tower is about to collapse, you go down and hold on!"


(End of this chapter)

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