Chapter 232 About the Summoner?
The woman seemed to be scolding it, the stinky bear opened its mouth and almost bit it.

Baili Liuxu took a step back in fright, this dog is so vicious.

"Why?" Lin Wanwan blinked, she used to eat with smelly bears like this, why not?

"Of course not, it's a beast." Dongfang Duo'er said with deep eyes.

Lin Wanwan frowned.

Xilan Manyue hurriedly came out to smooth things over, she smiled and said: "Since Miss Lin is here, please enjoy the flowers with us, but it is really inconvenient for this stinky bear to stay up there."

"Inconvenient?" Lin Wanwan tilted his head.

Baili Qinxue clung to her ear and whispered, "They are different from us in that they have more rules. If you don't follow their rules, you won't be able to eat good things."

"That's it." Lin Wanwan nodded understandingly, and quickly hugged the stinky bear.

Seeing that the stinky bear got off the table, the four of them softened their expressions.

Xilan Manyue ordered the maid to bring a table of melon and fruit snacks and tea. These have been eaten by the stinky bears, can they still be eaten by others?
The things on the stone table were quickly removed and replaced with new ones.

Only then did Xilan Manyue lift up her robe and sit down. Seeing her take a seat, the other three also sat down one after another. Baili Liuxu was still pretentiously fanning the wind with her handkerchief. Take off the veil and sit upright.

Dongfang Duo'er couldn't understand her, and squinted her eyes in disgust. After all, she was a lowly worker under the fence, and her every move was petty, which was annoying to watch.

Baili Liuxu was no stranger to her appearance, so she took a sip from her teacup.

"By the way, have you heard?" Xilanlu blinked, pretending to be mysterious.

"Did something happen?" Dongfang Duo'er was puzzled.

Baili Liuxu also pricked up her ears to listen.

"Recently, another major incident happened in Xinghua City." Xilanlu deliberately lowered her voice, her voice was faint, and it sounded extremely hoarse and terrifying.

Dongfang Duo'er swallowed, a chill ran from the top of her head to the soles of her feet.

"What happened?" Baili Liuxu asked cautiously.

"Recently, five or six young men and women have disappeared in Xinghua City." Xilanlu frowned, feeling hairy in her heart, "I heard that the missing men and women were all men and women with extremely yin physiques, and they were all missing at home. of……"

Baili Liuxu trembled slightly, covered her face with a veil, and asked tremblingly, "Is there such a thing?"

"When I first came to Xinghua City, I also heard that young men and women would disappear in the city every once in a while." Dongfang Duoer swallowed, and held her fingertips tightly, "Has this happened recently?"

Xilanlu nodded abruptly, patted her chest with lingering fear and said, "Yeah, I felt terrible when I first heard it."

Xilan Manyue took a sip of tea, she put down the teacup and continued: "From the people in the city, it seems that the Dark Guild did it, because there will always be a sign of the Dark Guild left at the place where the incident happened."

With some water on her hands, Xilan Manyue drew a logo of the Dark Guild on the stone table, and she said: "The logo of the Dark Guild should look like this..."

The round shape, with a bone horizontally on it, looks extremely weird and terrifying.

"The Dark Guild in the Eastern Continent?" Dongfang Duoer exclaimed, "Why did they come to the junction of our Southwest Continent to arrest people? What are they doing to arrest these people, kill them or something?"

Xilan Manyue shook her head, and said with a serious face: "I don't know, I only heard that people with the most yin physique are very likely to become summoners. They arrested them, maybe it has something to do with summoners."


(End of this chapter)

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