Chapter 234 Weird Honey Tea
Baili Qinxue still lowered her head in thought.

Baili Liuxu's face froze, seeming displeased.

Dongfang Duoer winked at her.

Baili Liuxu understood, and immediately took the cup of honey water and walked towards Baili Qinxue. The honey water gave off a sweet aroma, and the pale golden liquid seemed to glow strangely under the sun.

"Miss Dugu, I brought you honey water, you can taste it quickly." Baili Liuxu smiled coquettishly, and suddenly her feet slipped, and she threw herself straight at Baili Qinxue. It all fell on her too.

Baili Qinxue only felt a burst of wetness, and then Baili Liuxu lay on her body.

This Baili Liuxu probably ate too much delicacies every day, she was as heavy as a pig, she was about to be crushed to death, she pushed the Baili Liuxu with her hand, and said: "Miss Baili, get up quickly, you crushed me gone."

Baili Liuxu blushed, was she indirectly saying that she was fat?

Sure enough, she was as virtuous as that little bitch Baili Qinxue, and was just as annoying.

Baili Liuxu patted her dress and stood up. When she saw that Baili Qinxue's dress was wet, and it was caused by herself, she pursed her lips, and could not help but take out a handkerchief to wipe the water stains on her dress.

"Miss Dugu, I'm really sorry. I accidentally splashed honey water on you when I was walking." Baili Liuxu said while rubbing the handkerchief on her body with such force that it seemed to rub the handkerchief into her. in the flesh and blood.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, the handkerchief was stained with a strange fragrance, it smelled good but she always felt that something was wrong, Baili Qinxue turned her head slightly, and kept an eye on it.

Seeing her turn sideways, Baili Liuxu pulled her clothes and wiped them a few times, and said, "Miss Dugu, I'm really sorry, I really didn't mean it, you won't blame me, will you?"

Dongfang Duo'er stood aside, and took advantage of the situation: "It's just that your dress is wet, Duguxue, you won't be angry, right?"

"How did I see that it was the one in the pink clothes who jumped over by himself?" Lin Wanwan frowned, her eyes were dead but extremely serious and determined, she said with a flat mouth: "However, the chicken legs are very generous. so as not to be angry."

As if being told the truth, Baili Liuxu shrinks her neck guiltily.

Seeing her like this, Baili Qinxue knew that she did it on purpose. If she hadn't been thinking about the dark guild just now, she wouldn't have been taken advantage of by Baili Liuxu, and she had made a mistake.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and said softly, "The dress will dry if it gets wet, I won't be angry."

Xilan Manyue picked up her teacup again and took a sip of honey water, "It's normal for a girl to make small troubles, and getting angry over a small matter will hurt her peace. I know Miss Dugu is very magnanimous."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, but said nothing.

At this time, there seemed to be bursts of buzzing sounds around, which were so faint that people couldn't hear them clearly.

"Listen, is there any sound?" Xilanlu pricked up her ears to listen carefully, her mouth was still muttering, "There seems to be some buzzing sound, it's too soft to hear..."

Xilan Manyue also listened attentively, "It seems that there is a sound."

Hearing the sound, Dongfang Duo'er and Baili Liuxu looked at each other and smiled.

Baili Liuxu subconsciously waved the handkerchief in her hand, and the strange fragrance on the handkerchief immediately dispersed. She bent her lips, probably because she didn't hold it firmly, the handkerchief in her hand was blown away by the wind and fell to Baili. Qinxue feet.

At this moment, there was a little buzzing sound.

"Buzzing, is it a bee?" Xilanlu looked sideways outside the gazebo, but saw nothing.


(End of this chapter)

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