Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2354 Axue, what's wrong with you?

Chapter 2354 Axue, what's wrong with you?
Jiaolong ignored her and continued to curse viciously.

The vicious curse fell into her ears, and Baili Qinxue clutched her chest tightly again. The curse was so familiar, as if she had heard it a long time ago, it made her heart tremble violently, and seemed to reach the depths of her soul, almost suffocating her.

"Jiaolong, stop talking..." Baili Qinxue suddenly covered her head.

What's going on, why does my head suddenly hurt?

It was a tearing pain that made her unable to open her eyes.

Seeing her pained expression, Jiaolong couldn't help but feel a touch of pleasure in his heart, "I want to say, I want to say, Summoner, I will curse you for every lifetime, so you should live in the pain of being cursed by me, haha..."

As soon as the laughter fell, Jiaolong's body gradually disappeared.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyelids a little, and saw that the dragon's legs had disappeared, and soon, the dragon would disappear completely.

She froze for a moment, her eyes widened suddenly, "Jiaolong, you are going to disappear..."

Jiaolong pointed at his disappeared legs, and smiled bloody, "Summoner, isn't this what you want to see the most? Are you very happy to see it now, aren't you very happy?"

Baili Qinxue covered her head and shook her head desperately, "I don't, I really don't..."

God, my head hurts more and more.

"Summoner, you don't have to try to quibble anymore." Jiaolong frowned, his voice seemed to be desolate, "I have decided that you did it, so it won't change, and you can enjoy the next short peaceful life, wait for me to reincarnate If you are reincarnated, you will not have a peaceful life."

Baili Qinxue was trembling with pain, but she didn't say a word.

After Jiaolong finished speaking, his body gradually disappeared, and after a while, he disappeared completely.

"Summoner, I will haunt you forever..."

Before leaving, Jiaolong's desolate voice came again.

The desolate voice entered her ears, and Baili Qinxue felt her head hurt even more. After a while, the pain in her head got better.

She stood up silently, and saw that the dragon had already disappeared, and the desolate cliff seemed even more desolate.

Baili Qinxue stood where she was, looking at the empty cliff, not knowing what to do for a moment.

And this time...

A black figure jumped out suddenly, so fast that Baili Qinxue couldn't catch the track at all.

"Who is it?" Baili Qinxue sternly shouted, "Who the hell is playing tricks over there, come out to me soon..."

The black shadow kept jumping around, Baili Qinxue rubbed her eyes, but still couldn't see the trajectory of the person coming.

Baili Qinxue bit her lip, suddenly feeling agitated.

Who the hell is it that keeps jumping up and down, and there is no end to it?
Just when Baili Qinxue was feeling restless, someone stretched out a long sword and pierced Baili Qinxue's chest.


Blood sprayed out.

Baili Qinxue only felt a pain in her chest. She lowered her eyes subconsciously, and saw that her chest had been pierced by a long sword, and blood was gurgling out, accompanied by a burst of pain.

When exactly was it pierced by the long sword?

She didn't feel anything at all...

It hurt so much, the long sword seemed to be poisonous, which made her whole body weak.

Her eyes opened and closed, suddenly, her eyes went dark and she passed out directly.

"Axue, wake up."

The moment she fainted, Baili Qinxue felt her shoulders being shaken, and then, a pleasant but worried male voice came.

Yes, Big Bun?
"Axue, wake up..."


(End of this chapter)

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