Chapter 2363 seems to have a strong breath.

Baili Qinxue turned her head and glanced at Dugu Sheng, the smile in her eyes became more warm.

Seeing them coming, the contracted monsters in the space greeted them excitedly.

Barefoot, Chi Yao was lying on his back near the medicinal herbs, he lifted his long fiery red hair on his shoulders, and said softly: "Woman, the scene just now was too strange, before I could make a move, there was a gust of wind blowing , I will return to the space after I regain my senses, you have nothing to do after that, right?"

As a proud ancient divine beast, it was a bit embarrassing to be forced into the space by external force.

Baili Qinxue knew what it was talking about, she shook her head and said, "I haven't experienced anything after that, but what I experienced seems to be a dream."

If it was really a dream, then the scorching blood on Jiaolong's body was too real.

"Dream?" Chi Yao's eyes flickered, "No way, this is too real..."

To be able to fool an ancient mythical beast like it, the person who created this dream is definitely a master.

Chi Yao curled his long hair, and the smile on his face also faded a bit.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and said in a calm voice, "It's indeed a dream. The big bun has been guarding me, and he knows best whether I've left him or not."

Chi Yao glanced at Dugu Sheng, and couldn't help but pouted, "Then this dream is really too real, woman, the place you are in is extremely weird, you should find a way to leave quickly."

It's really troublesome that this woman is always involved in some weird place.

Baili Qinxue smiled lightly, "Thank you, Master Chiyao, for your concern."

Chi Yao withdrew his gaze and said with a sneer, "Woman, don't be too narcissistic. Who said that this uncle cares about you? This uncle is just thinking about those elixirs you made."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and smiled, but said nothing.

Chi Yao turned his head quietly again, and took a few glances at Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue was talking to Dugu Sheng and had no time to pay attention to him.

Chi Yao seemed to be unable to bear the loneliness, so he opened his mouth and said: "Hey woman, be careful when you leave the space later, I feel a restless breath in front of the corridor."

Although it is very weak, as an ancient beast, its senses are still very sensitive.

"Unstable air flow?" Baili Qinxue couldn't help but frowned, "I also felt that the further you go, the more depressed you become. Could it be that there is something weird hidden in front of you?"

Chi Yao spread his hands and didn't answer her question directly, "Who knows, anyway, my uncle told you, whether you want to be careful is your business, it has nothing to do with me."

It is really a proud ancient beast.

Baili Qinxue glanced at it, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips slightly, "I see, we'll be careful with each other."

Chi Yao scolded lightly, but did not speak.

Dugu Sheng patted the grass beside him, and said, "Axue, come and lie down quickly, it's so comfortable to lie on the grass."

Stop talking nonsense with that little bird.

Chi Yao frowned, feeling that Dugu Sheng was scolding him or something.

Baili Qinxue smiled and sat beside Dugu Sheng and lay down.

Lying on the grass was really comfortable, and Baili Qinxue fell asleep after a while.

Dugu Sheng turned his head sideways, looked at her softly, and quickly took off his coat to cover her.

Baili Qinxue smacked her lips, turned on her side and fell asleep again.

Dugu Sheng looked at her, the pampering in his eyes became more and more intense.

Showing affection again... Chi Yao glanced at them coolly, then quickly retracted his gaze, seeing nothing but knowing.

Early the next morning, the two ate something and left the space.

As soon as he came out, Baili Qinxue carefully felt everything around him, and couldn't help but frowned, "There is indeed a powerful thing dormant in front of it, but it is good at hiding its breath. We ignored it earlier, but fortunately Chi Yao reminded us."


(End of this chapter)

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