Chapter 2376 Solid spider web!

Hearing this, the giant spider said again: "Baby babies are so good, what mother tells you to do later, will you do it well?"

The middle spiders surrounded the giant spiders and said, "Babies listen to mother."

What a picture of a loving mother and filial son, but what they are talking about is such a bloody thing, there is no way to eat her up!
"Earth spider?" Baili Qinxue raised his eyebrows, and let out a cold voice, "It seems that you will definitely have trouble with me today, so don't blame me for being rude in a while."

The giant spider raised its head and laughed loudly, "Humans, you can struggle as much as you want, but you will never escape. The spider silk between me and the babies is solid. Once you are trapped, you will be unable to escape and ascend to heaven."

Even if she is summoning, they have been trapped in the small world for a long time, and they have long been numb, and they don't know what to be afraid of. Maybe... as long as this summoner is eaten, they will be able to escape after they have a powerful level. out of this small world.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, her eyes were cold and sharp, "Thank you for reminding me, then I will try my best not to be entangled by spider silk."

As soon as the words fell, she had already condensed water magic in the palm of her hand.

The fire magic was not good just now, maybe because they are fire creatures, so they are not afraid of flames, and even ate her flames.

But this kind of fire creature should be most afraid of water.

Isn't there a saying that fire and water are incompatible?
Then, let her use the magic water to extinguish the flames on these spiders.

Seeing Baili Qinxue playing in the water, a group of spiders couldn't help but startled.

"Mother, mother, why is she playing with water?"

"Mother, the baby is a little scared..."

The huge spider's dark green eyes flickered, and there was a piercing flicker.

I thought this human being was a summoner who could only play with fire, but unexpectedly, she could also play with water. What type of magician is she?

However, even so, they are not afraid.

Today, I will absolutely eat her up.

"Babies, don't be afraid." The giant spider comforted, "This is just low-level water magic, mother's babies will definitely be able to overcome it, right?"

The spiders in the middle nodded quickly, "Mother, the babies will overcome it."

Hearing this, the corners of Baili Qinxue's lips rose, and she guessed correctly that these disgusting spiders are indeed afraid of water.

They also said that hers is low-level water magic... Hers is divine water, and they will be scared to death when the time comes.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and a confident smile appeared in her eyes.

Seeing Baili Qinxue laughing arrogantly, the giant spider spit out spider silk at her, "The babies spread out, surrounded this human being, and then spit spider silk at her."

There were a large number of spiders in the middle, and Baili Qinxue was immediately surrounded in a circle. After the circle was completed, they immediately began to spit spider silk.

In an instant, large and small spider threads shot towards the sky.

Baili Qinxue's eyes froze, and the water magic turned into a long sword in an instant. The moment the sword fell, those little spider threads were instantly split, but the huge spider thread was extremely solid.

As expected of a giant spider, the spider silk spit out is so solid, but...

A sharp look flashed in Baili Qinxue's eyes, she would definitely not sit still, she was sure to cut this huge spider silk.

She took a deep breath, and the blue light of the long sword in her hand flowed more and more coquettishly, and its power became even stronger. At the moment when her clothes fluttered, she dropped the long sword again.

Just heard a bang.

When the huge spider silk met the extremely strong divine water, steam burst out and it melted directly...


(End of this chapter)

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