Chapter 2392 Let's make a break!
Xuanyuan Po lingered on Dugu Mantian again.

He Er, felt that this incident was very strange, some doubts rose in his mind, and Dugu Mantian also became strange in his eyes.

For a moment, he felt that things a thousand years ago were not that simple...

A few days ago, it was Dugu Mantian who took the initiative to find him. Not only did he know who the summoner was, but he also knew that he was a flood dragon.

He didn't believe what he said at first, but in order to make him trust, Dugu Mantian did a lot of things to test whether Baili Qinxue was a summoner.

And after the battle in Xinghua City, after he learned that Baili Qinxue was a summoner, he actually believed in Dugu Mantian directly, but this person was still very mysterious, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

Now that I think about it, things were really weird.

How on earth did he know that he was a Jiaolong, and how did he know that Baili Qinxue was a summoner? Moreover, he seemed to know very well what happened thousands of years ago. Otherwise, how could he tell about the summoner?

Xuanyuan Po once again looked deeply at Dugu Mantian.He looked very young, as young as someone in his twenties, how could such a person know about millennia?
Could it be that he was reincarnated with memory?

Xuanyuan Po shook his head abruptly, and felt that it was very different. Dugu's eyes were filled with the vicissitudes of loneliness and unwavering indifference, as if he had lived for a long time to see through everything in the world.

What a weird and mysterious person...

"His name is Dugu Mantian, and he is a very powerful and mysterious person." Baili Qinxue looked at Xuanyuan Po, "He has seen the small world you designed, so he naturally has a way to enter."

Xuanyuan Po frowned, instantly relieved.

Since he can let thousands of monsters attack the city, he must have a way to enter his own small world.

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Po no longer struggled.

Baili Qinxue looked at him and said, "You won't fight me anymore?"

Xuanyuan Po lowered his eyebrows, his voice remained cold, "Temporary truce, I think this Dugu Mantian is very strange, there are some things I want to clarify..."

Baili Qinxue looked at him with a half-smile.

This dragon is finally no longer stubborn...

"Then let's go and have a look." Saying that, Baili Qinxue walked away.

Xuanyuan Po looked at her back for a long time, then raised his heels to follow her.


Dugu Sheng and Dugu Mantian are still confronting each other.

When Baili Qinxue walked over, she saw Dugu Sheng's eyelids moved, and a smile suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Baili Qinxue raised the corners of her lips, and her eyes fell on Dugu Mantian again. Gradually, a sharp color flashed in her eyes.

Dugu Sheng looked at Dugu Mantian firmly, "There are some things that I want him to explain clearly to us in person."

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, her plain white robe was like snow, full of coldness, "Senior Dugu, can you tell us why you did this?"

Dugu Mantian smiled instead of anger, "Are you two questioning me? No, it's the three of you who want to question me..."

He raised his eyelids, and his eyes fell on Xuanyuan Po.

Xuanyuan Po looked at him, and couldn't help being startled by the vicissitudes in his eyes.

What kind of person is this?
Why is there such a sense of loneliness in the vicissitudes of life in the eyes?

"It's just a question." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, "We want to know why."

Dugu Mantian shrugged indifferently, "I came here to make a final decision..."


(End of this chapter)

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