Chapter 2394 The source of everything...

Hearing this, the three of them froze in place.

Man is always mortal, yet he should say that he is immortal, how absurd it is.

But the three of them believed it. The feeling that Dugu Mantian gave them was too weird and mysterious, especially the vicissitudes and indifference revealed in the eyes. Those eyes are really the eyes of a person who has seen everything through thousands of years.

No wonder Dugu Mantian would say that the summoner from thousands of years ago is an old friend. It turns out that he has lived for thousands of years...

Simply incredible.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and came back to her senses in an instant, "I didn't expect you to be an undead who has lived for ten thousand years..."

Some people just want to live forever. If others know that they are immortal, how envious would they be?
Dugu Mantian seemed to see through her thoughts, and sneered softly, "It's really good to not die, but sometimes I'm always lonely, and when I'm lonely, I have to find some fun, including killing other people's lives."

His voice was harsh, with a bit of madness and residual blood.

Baili Qinxue looked into his indifferent eyes, and couldn't help trembling all over.

When he said that he would kill someone's life, he didn't expect it to be so calm, and he really regarded other people's lives like straws.

Baili Qinxue looked at him in a daze.

Dugu Sheng looked at him quietly, and suddenly asked: "You just said that you and A Xue were old friends in the previous life, so what did you do a thousand years ago?"

Now that they are doing so much, they must have done nothing good before...

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue and Xuanyuan Po also cast their gazes over.

I always feel that he should know a lot about things that happened thousands of years ago... Maybe it has something to do with him.

Dugu Mantian twitched his lips, and smiled with a deep and evil spirit, "Thousands of years ago...meeting that summoner was the happiest time I've ever met, that dragon is not bad, and that war god They're all great toys..."


The Millennium God of War recorded in books?

The Millennium God of War who was married to the ancient summoner?

Dugu Sheng was stunned, thinking of the pictures he saw in Qingluan's illusion, he pursed his lips, and a faint light flickered in his eyes.

Baili Qinxue covered her heart, "Toy, what do you mean?"

Dugu Mantian raised his lips, and there was a leisurely light between his brows and eyes, "Thousands of years ago, I used some tricks to make Jiaolong become hostile to the summoner. After that, they fought fiercely on this cliff for a long time. Unexpectedly, they still summoned The teacher is highly skilled."

Xuanyuan Po suddenly widened his eyes, "Thousands of years ago, the person who harassed me was you?"

Dugu Mantian nodded, "It's me, I didn't expect you to be so stupid and stubborn..."

Xuanyuan Po clenched his fists and frowned, "At that time, you were the one who killed me?"

Dugu Mantian generously admitted, "Yes, at that time I hid on the edge of the cliff with my aura hidden, and when you were defeated, I quietly killed you, but I didn't expect that you did what I wanted and thought it was the summoner who killed you. "

Xuanyuan Po gritted his teeth, his eyes soared coldly, "It's you, you are the source of everything..."

Dugu Mantian looked at him, "Jiaolong, you are really great, you actually cast such a cruel curse, and even reincarnated with memories, you are really a very good toy..."

Xuanyuan Po's eyes were ruthless, "It turns out that I have been wrong all along, we are all your toys."

Dugu Mantian laughed and did not deny it.

"Back then, you killed my previous life?" Baili Qinxue asked coldly.

Dugu Mantian admitted, "That's right."


 Coming to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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