Chapter 249 And brought a boy back
Baili Qinxue nodded and said: "There are too many people with distracted eyes, you should be more careful by yourself, do you want me to accompany you?"

Dugu Sheng suddenly refused: "No... no, I didn't mean that, I mean I'm an older boy, I can do without my sister's company, doesn't my sister also say that boys should be independent?"

"Then you go, I'll wait." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.

Dugu Sheng raised his lips, "Chi Liu" and ran away without a trace, as if there was a wild beast chasing him, and he was extremely eager.

Something's wrong, something's wrong, this little bun must be hiding something from her, could it be that he saw a beautiful girl of his age, that's why he was in a hurry to express his affection?
But always feel very strange.

Baili Qinxue was eating noodles while waiting for Dugu Sheng, but almost half an hour passed, and he still didn't come back, probably because there were so many people and the hut was also packed.

However, an hour passed, and Dugu Sheng still didn't come back.

Baili Qinxue clenched her fingertips tightly, feeling a little worried in her heart, but the child was very smart, so she should not be abducted by human traffickers, so she ordered another plate of spiced beef, and was going to eat while waiting.

"Well, I found chicken legs..." Lin Wanwan came with the stinky bear in his arms, seeing her eating beef, both Lin Wanwan and the stinky bear's eyes lit up.

"Eat what you want." Baili Qinxue moved the plate in front of the two of them, and asked with a smile, "Only you and Smelly Bear came out, Zhao Yu and the others didn't follow?"

Lin Wanwan grabbed a piece of beef, stuffed his mouth, and said vaguely: "Well, Ayu, Azi and the others are lagging behind...Look at the chicken legs, they are following."

As soon as Lin Wanwan finished speaking, a shadow fell in front of Baili Qinxue's eyes, Zhao Yu patted her on the shoulder, sat beside her and said with a smile, "yo little sister, we just went to the house to look for you, but we didn't see you You man, it turns out that you have been wandering on the long street for a long time."

Wei Nanzi flicked his sleeves and sat on the other side.

"You guys came to look for me?" Baili Qinxue's heart skipped a beat, and she said with a smile, "Little Baozi probably likes Girl's Day very much, so he pulled me out early."

"Speaking of..." Zhao Yu turned his head to look around, and then asked, "Where did that little devil go, why didn't I see him?"

Speaking of Dugu Sheng, Baili Qinxue frowned, and said: "He ate badly, and said it was convenient to go, but an hour passed and he didn't come back."

Zhao Yu was stunned, with a worried expression on his face, "That little devil's head won't be kidnapped, after all, that child is so good-looking..."

"Huh, the little chicken leg was abducted?" Lin Wanwan blinked his eyes in doubt.

Baili Qinxue held her chin, and frowned even tighter, "Probably not, that kid is very smart, those individual traffickers can't abduct him, maybe that kid has become playful somewhere."

Zhao Yu nodded and said, "That kid is indeed a spirit."

"Sister, I'm back." A childish voice rang in my ear.

Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here, Baili Qinxue gradually relaxed her frown, she put away the worry in her eyes, and said with a smile: "I'm back, where did you go to play?"

"Sister, I'm not playing." Dugu Sheng tugged at the hem of his clothes, a little coyly.

"Hey, little devil, who is that little devil following you?"

The sharp-eyed Zhao Yu suddenly noticed a little boy standing behind Dugu Sheng. The little boy seemed to be the same age as Dugu Sheng, but slightly taller than him.


(End of this chapter)

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