Chapter 262 Opening the Treasure Pavilion

Seeing that there are too many of these things, Erye Liu wanted to reduce the price, so that he could sell them quickly, attract more customers, and sell Mu Liu. This is really killing three birds with one stone. Good idea.

Baili Qinxue frowned as she looked at the various refining treasures on the wooden cabinet.

"Sure enough, it's very cheap, but it won't lose money. Because of this, more people buy it. If there are more people, you can earn a lot of gold coins. This method of accumulating more with less is not bad." Baili As Qinxue spoke, her face suddenly sank, and she said, "However, it is indeed shameless to use this method to disrupt the balance of the market."

Liu Erye not only ran out on Mu Liu, but also prevented her from earning gold coins, which is really hateful.

Hearing this, Mu Liu gritted her teeth and said, "It's really shameless. Although there are many treasures auctioned in my auction every day, the Yuanling spar has not aroused people's interest. If they don't auction it, It is also a kind of loss if it accumulates for a long time..."

Mu Liu was a little distressed, thinking that he could earn a mountain of gold with the things he solved.

Jing Ye stood beside Dugu Sheng, quietly looking at Baili Qinxue, she was the one who came to spy on the enemy, so after watching for so long, what method can he come up with?

Jing Ye had a little expectation.

What should I do?Baili Qinxue tapped her palms lightly, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Sister, even though this place is called Treasure Pavilion, it doesn't sell any high-quality treasures. It's just some pills and some raw materials for refining." Dugu Sheng looked around, and said flatly: "These things, we There is no shortage of pills, and there is no shortage of refining materials, but there are much more than here, as long as we are a little cheaper..."

Baili Qinxue's eyes lit up, and she suddenly became enlightened.

She said: "President Mu Liu, let's also open a treasure pavilion like this."

"Ah?" Mu Liu turned her head in surprise, her expression slightly stunned, "Open the Treasure Pavilion? Those rare treasures should be auctioned at the auction, and they will make more money..."

"Sell small things such as refining materials and elixirs." Baili Qinxue's tone was light, but Dugu Sheng could hear a little joy in her tone. Maybe it was because she wanted to earn gold coins, so she just listened. She said again: "Liu Erye and the others have Ding Jingtai, and there will be more and more of these little things that are made from stone raw materials. Liu Erye also has means, and I don't know where to get these pills. , There are all these things in the store, people must want to buy ready-made, who will go to the auction to fight desperately."

"So?" Mu Liu's eyes flashed, as if she understood something.

"Open the Treasure Pavilion, put all these little things in the Treasure Pavilion and sell them. Of course, it's better to buy the top-quality items at the auction." Baili Qinxue frowned and chuckled, "I've been practicing these days." I bought some elixir, the quantity is very large, it may be inconvenient to put it in the auction, and we also have a lot of raw materials for refining equipment, should we put it in the auction and auction it one by one? For the best stuff."

"You are right." Mu Liu said with a smile: "The auction will only make people's eyes shine if there are novelty treasures. If the same things always appear, I am afraid that people will lose interest. The idea of ​​opening the Treasure Pavilion is not bad. .”

Jing Ye squished his mouth, it turned out that he opened the Treasure Pavilion, so wouldn't this conflict with the Treasure Pavilion in the black market?

He thought this woman could come up with some good ideas.

"Don't think you're wearing a bamboo hat, so I can't see what you're thinking."


(End of this chapter)

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