Chapter 267

The layout of the side hall is simple, but it is quiet and elegant.

When the steward entered, Xuanyuan Po was sitting on a chair, and there was a pot of warm tea on the table. The lid of the pot was lifted slightly, and immediately the mist rose up and the aroma scattered. One could smell the smell and knew that the tea was of the highest quality.

"My lord, President Mu Liu has brought some friends to visit you." The steward stepped forward and stood beside him, smiling respectfully.

Xuanyuan Po was drooping his eyes in thought, but after hearing the steward's words, he raised his eyes subconsciously. His deep black eyes were like the deep sea. When he looked at them, he seemed to feel the cold air coming from all directions.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, she really had a cold face, seeing Mu Liu as an acquaintance, she didn't see him curling his lips and smiling.

"Xuanyuan Po, I'm here to see you." Compared to Xuanyuan Po's cold eyes, Mu Liu was smiling and didn't mind his complexion at all.

Mu Liu lifted up her robe, sat down, and poured herself a glass of water to drink.

Xuanyuan Po's face was still as deep as the sea, but there was no annoyance in his eyes, he was already used to Mu Liu's familiarity.

"Why are you free to look for me today?" Xuanyuan Po waved his hand and ordered the housekeeper to leave.

The steward understood and immediately withdrew.

"I have something important to discuss with you." Mu Liu drank the tea, and then poured himself another cup. Suddenly, he thought that Baili Qinxue and the others were still standing at the door. Li Qinxue and the others said: "Come in quickly, don't be afraid just because Xuanyuan Po is cold on the outside, in fact he is a bit colder, it's not scary at all, just sit down and eat and drink whatever you want."

Xuanyuan Po had already noticed that Mu Liu was not here alone, but he didn't intend to ask.

Baili Qinxue pulled the two of their children into it, and there were three vacant seats inside, so Baili Qinxue pulled them to sit down, probably because she saw Xuanyuan Po's expression was cold, and she sat a little cautiously.

Dugu Sheng was not afraid of strangers, he picked up the teacup on the table and sipped the tea gracefully.

Jing Ye was more cautious than Baili Qinxue, her whole body was tense, probably because Xuanyuan Po was not friendly, so she kept guarding against him, and even touched the sword at her waist...

Dugu Sheng glanced at him calmly.

Jing Ye was startled, and quickly left the sword.

Seeing him let go, Dugu Sheng also looked away.

With a smile in her eyes, Mu Liu introduced loudly: "This is the one I told you about last time. She is very lucky and can pick out all kinds of good stones. I am working with her to do business. .”

"It's this girl who can't see her face that makes you so full of praise?" Xuanyuan Po raised his eyebrows, and when he looked sideways at Baili Qinxue, the coldness in his eyes remained unchanged, as if he was looking at the one in the bamboo hat. The face showed no interest at all.

"That's her." Mu Liu said with a smile: "Miss Axue is indeed a powerful person. Do you know what you solved for the stone raw materials you bought last time?"

Xuanyuan Po asked symbolically, without seeming to be interested, "What did you figure out?"

Mu Liu said with great interest: "All the 100 yuan stones can unlock good things, there are Yuanling spar, there are seventh-grade, eighth-grade and ninth-grade black iron, and there are a few stones that can unlock two things. "

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Po's expression finally relaxed a little.

There are all good things in the 100 yuan stone. Does it take such good luck to do so?

If it is good luck, it must have some special ability...

Xuanyuan Po subconsciously looked at Baili Qinxue, his eyes were deep, with a touch of inquiry, but his voice was still cold: "Ding Jingtai from Liu Erye's family is probably not like this, your girl Axue It's quite patient."


(End of this chapter)

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