Chapter 275 Guess What's Inside

"I have my own measure, and I won't get tired." Baili Qinxue slightly curled her lips, and the clear eyes in the bamboo hat seemed to be filled with streams of water, sparkling.

At this time, the steward had already pulled the carriage out.

Baili Qinxue blessed her body again, pulled the two boys around and left.The steward waved the bamboo pole and patted the horse's buttocks, and the horse immediately started to gallop in pain. Baili Qinxue lifted the curtain of the car, and saw that the carriage had already entered the market, and after a few miles, it should be almost to the college.

Baili Qinxue pulled down the curtain of the car, and said to the steward outside: "Steward, just send us to the alley in front. There is still a short distance for us to go there, and we can also visit the market along the way."

"Okay." The steward parked the carriage beside the alley.

Baili Qinxue led Dugu Sheng out of the carriage,

Jing Ye is very powerful, and he jumped off by himself again.

"It's getting late, distinguished guest, please be careful on the way, I have to go back to the president right away." The steward said.

Baili Qinxue warned: "Just don't pass by, the market is crowded, so be careful when driving the carriage."

The steward showed her a big smile, waved the bamboo pole and quickly disappeared from Baili Qinxue's sight.Baili Qinxue stood on the spot and watched him leave. After he left, she immediately entered the alley and took off all her clothes. Dugu Sheng and Jing Ye also took off their clothes. After everything was done, they went back college.

As soon as he opened the door of the house, Zhao Yu came over with a smile, followed by Lin Wanwan and Wei Nanzi.

Lin Wanwan didn't hug the stinky bear today, the little guy was walking by himself with short legs, his eyes were full of resentment, Baili Qinxue pursed his lips and almost laughed.

"Little sister, you just came back from outside?" Zhao Yu saw that she was dusty, and there was still some tiredness in her eyes, so she knew that she had just come back from outside.

Baili Qinxue nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, take these two boys out to buy something to eat."

"Hey, this kid named Jing Ye hasn't left yet, so parents won't come looking for him?" Zhao Yu turned to look at Jing Ye. This kid has a cold face. Although he looks good, he is not as fun as Dugu Sheng .

Baili Qinxue closed the door of the house and invited them in, she said: "Yes, it's been so long that his parents have never looked for him in the future, probably they want to leave this kid here with me, but the little bun and him The relationship is very good, just to be a companion."

Dugu Sheng flattened his mouth, he'd better leave Jing Ye now, it's abhorrent to dare to destroy the two life of him and his sister.

"Little Guitou doesn't eat much, it's fun to raise." Zhao Yu raised his lips and rubbed his hands on the top of Dugu Sheng's head irregularly. Dugu Sheng's face turned awkward, why didn't he rub Jing Ye and rub him instead?

Jing Ye is already used to Zhao Yu's behavior, he likes to touch the young master whenever he has nothing to do, in fact, he has no evil intentions, he just thinks it is fun, so he doesn't need to protect him.

"By the way, little sister, we are here at this hour to give you a good thing." Zhao Yu pointed to the brocade box in Lin Wanwan's arms as if presenting a treasure. The brocade box is large and delicate, and it should be able to hold a lot of good things. , Zhao Yu blinked his eyes, and said deliberately: "Little sister, can you guess what's inside?"

Baili Qinxue looked at the brocade box carefully, the brocade box held by Lin Wanwan, the gift should be given by Lin Wanwan, otherwise Zhao Yu would have taken it away long ago.

Then what Lin Wanwan wants to give her is nothing more than forged weapons or defensive clothing...


(End of this chapter)

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