Chapter 278 Seized the Business Opportunity

Baili Qinxue smiled lightly, with a smile in her eyes, and said: "Of course I keep one hand, you take it quickly, I also said before that I will give you some after I refine the elixir, why do you think it is too little? "

Hearing this, Zhao Yu immediately smiled and said: "How can you think it's too little, but I think it's too much, little girl, you're real, once you make a shot, you'll get three bottles of pills, and I'll follow you from now on."

"Don't." Baili Qinxue said with a light smile, "You've been calling me little sister. Shouldn't a younger sister hang out with a brother?"

"I like to do it the other way around." Zhao Yu cracked his lips.

After staying for a while, the three got up to say goodbye. Before leaving, Lin Wanwan also took some snacks from the table away, preparing to have them as supper later.

After the three of them left, Baili Qinxue was going to try this protective clothing.

Putting on the body armor, Baili Qinxue felt a different feeling, very safe, as if being protected, the body armor was also very tight and detailed, ordinary swords could not pierce it at all, those five-tier six A magician or warrior of the second level should not be able to do anything to her.

There is a body armor that is really good.

"Little Baozi, what do you think of this protective clothing?" Baili Qinxue turned around and showed him the protective clothing.

Dugu Sheng glanced at it, raised his chin and said, "It's not bad."

"With this protective clothing, going to Taoyuan Cave Heaven should be smoother." Baili Qinxue took off the protective clothing, folded it and put it in a brocade box.

"Absolutely." Dugu Sheng bent his eyes, which were stained with broken candles.

On the second day, Mr. Lin really announced that the trip to Taoyuan Cave would be scheduled for four days later, so that qualified students like them could prepare early. Be mentally prepared.

In this way, the students all had one thought in their minds, that is to buy pills, which are not available in ordinary markets, so they have to go to the black market to buy them. Originally, they wanted to ask Dongfang Duoer for them.

But she was injured a few days ago, and her face is not completely healed, and she is already arrogant and a bit stingy, don't ask for the pill by then, and cause a lot of trouble instead.

Therefore, it is more practical to go to the black market.

When Baili Qinxue heard those students say that she was going to buy pills, she narrowed her eyes, as if she saw some kind of business opportunity.

"Sister, what are your thoughts?" Dugu Sheng raised his head, and her figure was reflected in his eyes.

"Students are going to buy pills on the black market. Second Master Liu will definitely increase the price of the pills when he sees this business opportunity. If I also take out the pills at this time, it will be one gold coin less than Second Master Liu, and I will be punished." Sell ​​it out..." Baili Qinxue raised her lips, with a sly gleam in her eyes.

"Pfft." Dugu Sheng covered his lips and smiled, "Sister, you came up with another gold coin or something, you are too bad."

"Could it be possible that you need me to drop two gold coins? I won't do that." Baili Qinxue returned to the house with the herb guide in her hand. As soon as her hand touched the courtyard door, she turned her head to Dugu Sheng and said : "Later, let's go to the auction guild to find Mu Liu, drop by and ask how the Treasure Pavilion is doing, and then ask him if he is interested in selling pills with me."

"That's right, my sister doesn't have a shop, so maybe she wants to set up a street stall. Second Master Liu will definitely come and mess with the scene, then tsk tsk tsk... I know my sister hates trouble the most." Dugu Sheng bent her eyes and took a step ahead of her. Seeing the courtyard door pushed open, Pidianpidian ran in.


(End of this chapter)

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