Chapter 282 Advertisement First

The shopkeeper pursed his lips, even if he got a good alchemy furnace and high-level medicinal herbs, how could he refine them without certain skills, and each of the refined pills was more than ninety, so how powerful would it be?

Kind of hard to imagine.

The shopkeeper swallowed his saliva, and emptied out a container for miscellaneous goods. He ordered the medicine boy to gently place these medicine bottles on it. After everything was done, he looked at Xuanyuan Po and asked a question.

"Boss, how should these pills be sold?"

Xuanyuan Po looked at Baili Qinxue and asked for her opinion.

"Tell someone to go to the black market and find out about the price of Erye Liu's pills. We just need one gold coin less than them." It's a gold coin cheaper, and it doesn't hurt.

Mu Liu pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Miss A Xue, you've just met Liu Erye."

Baili Qinxue waved her hand and said, "Anyway, sooner or later we have to face each other, it doesn't matter if it's sooner or later."

The shopkeeper froze in place, one gold coin cheaper, to compete with the black market?

This was too messy, he turned his head to look at Xuanyuan Po, a little hesitant.

Xuanyuan Po lightly nodded his forehead and said, "It's okay, just do what she said, isn't it very interesting?"

The shopkeeper wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was indeed interesting, but it was a bit too messy. However, his boss had a strong background, so I'm afraid he didn't pay much attention to the black market.

He recruited a drug boy and told him to go to the black market to investigate the situation.

As soon as he heard that he was going to the black market, the drug boy was not afraid of danger, so he immediately changed his outfit and went.

Xuanyuan Po asked the shopkeeper to take out the pens, inks, papers and inkstones, the shopkeeper didn't know what he wanted them for, but still ran into the inner hall and took out all the pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

"Master, here are the Four Treasures of the Study."

Xuanyuan Po tapped his forehead lightly, picked up the ink-soaked brush, and wrote a series of characters on the rice paper. The brush strokes were vigorous and flamboyant, just like his own person, tall and strong.

"Shopkeeper, post it outside."

The shopkeeper picked up the rice paper, looked at it, and read out silently: "Today, this shop sells all kinds of elixir, the price is affordable, and children are not deceived..."

The shopkeeper immediately understood, took some paste and pasted it in a crowded place.Their shop is a century-old brand, as long as this piece of paper is posted, many people will come to hear the news.

Baili Qinxue also took a sneak peek, it turned out that she was advertising, so clever.

Dugu Sheng was sitting on the threshold with little interest, holding a blade of grass in his hand, and was playing with each other. Jing Ye had been standing beside him, dedicated to being a guard.

Not long after, the drug boy came running out of breath, and he exhaled a few breaths before he said: "The black market sells the low-grade Huoxue Pill and Huishen Pill for [-] gold coins each, and the low-grade Xiaohuan Pill, Xuantian Pill, and Xuling Pill. Pills were actually sold for [-] gold coins each, and middle-grade Huoxue Pills and Huishen Pills were sold for [-] gold coins each."

Hearing this, the shopkeeper gasped, a black market is a black market, it's simply too black-hearted.

Xuanyuan Po's expression remained calm, and he was not affected by these prices at all.

"Yaotong, are there many people going to the black market at this moment?" Mu Liu asked.

The drug boy bowed back and said: "President Mu Liu, there are countless people going to the black market to buy pills at the moment, and most of them are students of Xiling College. I heard that the day to go to Taoyuan Cave is near, and they want to buy some pills to prevent Yu Ran."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows. Sure enough, the students all rushed to the black market.

However, they'll be here soon...


(End of this chapter)

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