Chapter 284 Can only suffer from being dumb?

The pills sold in this herb shop are much better than those on the black market.

Not only the quality, but also the purity of the elixir, everything is much better than the elixir on the black market.

Look at the price of the pill again...

Ding Jingtai's complexion froze suddenly and turned a little purple.

Every kind is actually one gold coin cheaper than their black market, no wonder all the customers have been robbed, such a wonderful elixir, cheaper than the black market, will definitely attract people to fight for it, and their rubbish, naturally not It's heart-warming.

Ding Jingtai pursed his lips, his face turned dark.

"Sister, did you see it? His face turned dark..." Dugu Sheng smiled and pointed.

"Whose face is dark?" Mu Liu heard them talking and laughing, and couldn't help leaning forward.

"Liu Cheng and the others are here, and they are observing the pills outside." Dugu Sheng covered his stomach and said with a chuckle, "That man named Ding Jingtai, when he saw the price we marked, his face turned dark all of a sudden."

Mu Liu also pushed forward, opened the door curtain to have a look, and said, "Wow, your face is really dark."

"I guess I've gone mad with anger." Baili Qinxue frowned.

Seeing that they were having fun, Jing Ye didn't step forward to disturb them, he just stood beside Xuanyuan Po with such a big thorn, and became a sculpture with him. This cold man was as serious as he was, and he felt so kind.

Xuanyuan Po lowered his head to look at Jing Ye, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

Ding Jingtai outside had already walked out of the herb shop and joined Liu Cheng.

As soon as Liu Cheng saw him coming out, she hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Have you checked clearly, what is the elixir inside, and what is the price?"

Ding Jingtai nodded, his face was still a bit ugly, he pursed his lips and said: "The elixir inside is the best, as for the price..."


Liu Cheng's heart trembled, it was even better than their black market elixir, it's impossible, right?

"What about the price, how about the price?" Liu Cheng asked impatiently.

"Everything is one gold coin cheaper than ours..." Ding Jingtai gritted his teeth.

"What?" Liu Cheng almost jumped up when she heard the words. She widened her eyes, and there was some anger in her eyes. She said, "Isn't this clearly against our black market? One gold coin, one cheaper and one gold coin, this shop's The boss is so sinister and shameless."

Liu Cheng touched the sharp sword at his waist.

Ding Jingtai pressed her hand quickly, and asked with dark eyes: "Miss Liu, what do you want to do?"

Liu Cheng was upset, and her tone was a bit aggressive, she said: "Ding Jingtai, don't rely on your father's love for you, and just tell me what to do, I'm going to smash that shop now, please let go quickly, lest I be rude to you."

Ding Jingtai raised his eyebrows, without the slightest fear in his eyes, he said: "Miss Liu, forgive Jingtai for not being able to, you must know that the owner of this herb shop has a strong background, even the second master would not dare to come to the door to provoke, Miss Liu, please think twice about that." Then go."

Even her father dare not?
Liu Cheng was stunned suddenly, and her reason was pulled back bit by bit. She gritted her teeth and asked, "The background is really thick, even Daddy doesn't dare?"

Ding Jingtai nodded, his black pupils were clear and firm under the sunlight, "That's right, I heard that the boss here is very capable, with many shops under his name, rich as an enemy, even the royal family is afraid of him. "

Liu Cheng's heart trembled, and suddenly there was some fear in her heart, fortunately Ding Jingtai held her back, otherwise, if she broke in without authorization and smashed the shop, I'm afraid there would be big trouble, and my father would also will scold her.

She swallowed, and suddenly left the sword with her hands, and Ding Jingtai's hands were also loosened at this time.


(End of this chapter)

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