Chapter 295 Find an excuse to leave!

She gritted her teeth and said, "A bunch of nasty thieves, I was contracting a pretty good monster just now, and that guy named Lone Wolf came over to make trouble, and even hung me up when I wasn't prepared..."

Speaking of this matter, Liu Cheng was so angry that his face was ferocious.

It appeared when contracting Warcraft again?Baili Qinxue held her chin, just now Fengren also said that he was here to make trouble, and the purpose was to prevent them from contracting to become magical beasts, so they really just came to make trouble?
Infiltrating Taoyuan Cave, facing many students in Taoyuan Cave, some of them are masters, just to make trouble?

Or is there any other reason?
Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, somewhat puzzled.

Dongfang Duo'er and Baili Liuxu were timid, they hugged each other and asked grandly: "What are the Sun Thieves doing here for no reason? Could it be that they want to kill us all? The Wind Blade just said Yes, we have prepared gifts for each of us..."

Weinan Lin Che looked at the sun mark on the tree trunk, his eyes darkened, and he said: "Although the Sun Thieves are thieves, they have never hurt anyone's life. From the two incidents just now, we can see that they should just come to Troublesome, as for the gift, it should be some kind of method to trick people."

Hearing this, Dongfang Duo'er and Baili Liuxu felt relieved.

Dongfang Duo'er tugged at Weinan Lin Che's clothes, and said softly, "Third Prince, I'm so afraid that you have to protect me."

Weinan Lin Che bent her lips, her eyes were like a breeze, but she didn't speak.

Dongfang Duo'er thought he was acquiescing, and immediately covered her face with her sleeve shyly, the corners of her mouth widening.

Dugu Sheng covered his lips and laughed silently.

"I seem to have seen the wind blade just now. He was standing on the tree looking at us, and then he disappeared soon. I remember the direction he left. My brother and I chased after him first to have a look." Bai Bai who had been silent all this time Li Qinxue spoke suddenly, and she took Dugu Sheng's hand to go deeper into Taoyuan Cave.

"Miss Dugu, please stay." Weinan Lin Che called out, "We entered Taoyuan Cave to contract monsters, so don't mess up because of the Sun Thieves."

His voice was clear and pleasant, but Baili Qinxue didn't want to hear his voice.

She just wanted to use this as an excuse to leave. The three of them were already annoying enough. Now that they brought another orange, the four of them chattered together. Wouldn't it be nice to make a contract with a monster or find a treasure?
"I just want to catch up and see what they're up to, so that I can know myself and the enemy." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, speaking logically.

Dongfang Duo'er heard the words, her eyes lit up instantly, wishing that Baili Qinxue would leave immediately, or be killed by the Sun Thieves, she bent her lips and smiled: "Duguxue is right, it is good to know yourself and your enemy." You won’t be defeated in a hundred battles, the Sun Thieves are really hateful, so I’ll leave this important task to you first.”

Baili Liuxu secretly scolded her for being stupid, wouldn't chasing after the Sun Thieves be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger?She raised her lips and gloated: "Miss Dugu, you will return safely."

Liu Cheng stood facing the wind, didn't say a word, but there were tiny spots of light in her eyes, obviously in a very good mood.

Seeing that the three women had all agreed, Weinan Lin Che couldn't say anything. He looked at Baili Qinxue, his voice was as soft as snow that had just melted, and he said, "Miss Dugu, please be careful."

Baili Qinxue nodded her forehead and said, "I will definitely return safely."

fart!She left and never came back. She and Xiao Baozi went to find the treasure.


(End of this chapter)

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