Chapter 297 The Misty Realm
Baili Qinxue was startled.

"Little Baozi, this fog is extraordinary, we are completely trapped in it." Baili Qinxue tried to talk to the creatures, but the place seemed to be enchanted, and her voice could not reach them at all. .

Shrouded in mist and completely cut off from the outside world, it was an unknown place.

"In World of Warcraft, there is a thing called fog beast. It can weave a misty illusion, trap travelers in it and play hide-and-seek games with them. Travelers eat them one by one." Dugu Sheng held his chin and analyzed lightly: "If you want to escape this illusion, you must kill the fog beast."

After the words fell, his eyes flickered, as if he had a murderous intent.

The mist shrouded it with no end in sight, and it was impossible to see where the fog beast was. Baili Qinxue frowned: "How can I know the exact location of the fog beast?"

"The misty magic array is isolated from the outside world. My sister can't talk to the creatures outside, but that doesn't mean I can't feel the breath of the fog beast in the magic array. My sister should close her eyes and feel it calmly. She will definitely know where the fog beast is." Dugu Sheng's eyes circled his chest, and there was a ray of light flickering in his eyes. He said: "The fog beasts are more powerful in weaving illusions, and their attack power is weak. If they can find a specific location, they will be able to kill them quickly."

Baili Qinxue frowned, her eyes full of coldness.

Those who dare to block her footsteps and want to eat them should be killed.

She took out the staff, and the tip of the staff shone with a faint cold light. It seemed to be sharper and colder when it was entwined by the mist in the illusion.

Baili Qinxue closed her eyes, using her mental power to carefully feel the breath of the fog beast.

Near the fog, there was a panting sound in my ears, and then it became heavier and heavier...

Baili Qinxue suddenly opened her eyes, and a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

"I know where the fog beast is, it's just ahead..."

As the words fell, Baili Qinxue clung to the staff and bullied her. Her eyes were filled with cold light, and she was full of murderous blood. She condensed the fire magic in her palm. In an instant, a crimson light radiated from the mist.

Crimson crimson, seems to be able to dispel this fog.

Baili Qinxue threw the fire magic in the direction of the fog beast.

"Ho Ho Ho -" the fog beast groaned in pain.

It never thought that the misty illusion that it was proud of would not trap these two people, it was fine if it wasn't trapped, and this little girl could find out where it was, it was really unimaginable.

Did you meet a powerful person today?

The fog beast gritted its teeth in pain, and Baili Qinxue also saw the fog beast's appearance clearly at this time.Its whole body is snow white, covered with scales all over its body, there are two pointed horns on its head, and its eyes are the size of copper bells. It looks extremely ferocious and terrifying. Baili Qinxue also found that it has been swallowing mist from its mouth.

No wonder it is called the fog beast, it turns out that it can also swallow fog and spit fog.

The fire magic in her palm was burning all the time, Baili Qinxue didn't give the mist beast a chance to breathe, and threw a few fireballs at it. The mist beast knew that it was no match for her, so it even hid in the illusion that it woven , ready to wait for an opportunity to attack.

Baili Qinxue's eyes froze, and she stood facing the wind holding on to her staff.

The fog beast saw her pause in place, and when the opportunity came, it quickly jumped up...

The corners of Baili Qinxue's lips curled up slightly, and a murderous look overflowed in her eyes, it was the one who sent it to her door to seek death.

She waved the staff in her hand, and the fire magic in her palm was extremely blazing, and her eyes seemed to reflect the fire, and she became strange and cold.


(End of this chapter)

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