Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 310 It Was the Work of Those Three Scheming Bitches Again

Chapter 310 It's those three scheming bitches again

"You are naked, you must have torn your clothes when you returned to your original appearance." Baili Qinxue didn't know what he was thinking, pointed to the clothes in his hand, and continued: "This clothes, although It doesn't fit well, but at least it can cover you up, you are walking in the Taoyuan Cave so rashly, if people see you, they will think you are a swinger from somewhere."

It turned out that he was thinking too much, Dugu Sheng lowered his eyes, slightly disappointed.

But when he thought that she cared about him and gave him all the clothes on her body, he was overjoyed, his eyes flickered, and he was extremely intoxicated. He put the clothes on his body, and a girly fragrance lingered instantly at the tip of the nose.

The intoxicating fragrance makes people feel distracted.

Dugu Sheng raised her thin lips lightly, and said with burning eyes, "It's really fragrant."

Baili Qinxue probably knew what he was talking about, her cheeks were completely red again, she bit her lip, looked straight ahead, and said in her normal voice: "The group of monsters has delayed us for quite a while, we should start our journey."

"Before I leave, let me show you something good." Dugu Sheng leaned over and picked up a brocade box from under a tree beside him. There was still some unburned powder in the brocade box. The weird aroma is exactly the same.

"Is this what you said, the powder that can attract monsters?" Baili Qinxue frowned, her eyes filled with cold air.

Dugu Sheng nodded and said: "This kind of rosemary is the favorite fragrance of monsters. After the monsters inhale it, they will become irritable and bloodthirsty, but this kind of rosemary is so vile that there is no such thing in the market. "


Baili Qinxue had a flash of inspiration, her eyes became strangely bright, she said: "Liu Cheng is the daughter of the overlord of the black market, it is not surprising to have these."

Dugu Sheng nodded his forehead, with a lingering smile, he said: "As expected, Axue can understand a little bit, and there is one more good thing I want to show you."

Dugu Sheng took her to the place where the fog beast was killed just now, the fog beast was still lying there, its corpse had been trampled to pieces by the monsters, it was extremely disgusting to look at, Baili Qinxue's eyes sharpened her eyes and found the tree trunk. Sun mark.

She stepped forward and stroked her lightly with her hands. Suddenly, her eyebrows were lightly closed, and her coldness bloomed.

"This mark did not come from the hands of the Sun Thieves." Baili Qinxue said coldly: "The mark left by the Sun Thieves is strong, but the one in front of me is thin and soft, and the hand strength is too weak. It is clearly made by a woman." hand."

Dugu Sheng raised his lips, wrapped Baili Qinxue into his arms, rubbed her earlobe and said: "Axue's eyes are really poisonous, you can find these tiny parts."

"If you didn't find out, would you still bring me to see these?" Baili Qinxue tried to break his big palm, but he was so strong that he couldn't break free at all. Yes, it was cuter when it was a little bun."

Dugu Sheng didn't let go, he smiled and said: "I also think Xiao Baozi is good, he can make a move, and he won't be rejected..."

Baili Qinxue's cheeks flushed, and she quickly retreated from his embrace when he was distracted, and said, "I'm not ashamed to say this... Speaking of which, Dongfang Duo'er and the others are smart enough to think of letting the Sun Thieves It’s a scapegoat, but it’s really a lot of loopholes for rosemary, which is rare in the market, to appear here out of thin air.”

"Even if there are no such loopholes, you can still think that the three of them did it." Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, his eyes exuding coldness, and he said: "They have all their scheming written on their faces, it's hard not to find out, and Or use such a vicious method..."


(End of this chapter)

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