Chapter 313 Chains will suck blood

Liu Cheng has seen how powerful the chain is, and she dare not continue to challenge, she said with lingering fear: "Let's go out quickly, this formation is very weird..."

After saying that, she flew out, Weinan Lin Che saw her go out, and flew out with her.

Baili Liuxu immediately went forward and asked, "How are you, are you not injured?"

Liu Cheng shook her head, her expression was a little tired, "No injury, that oriental girl is fine, right?"

Baili Liuxu sneered, her eyes were full of sarcasm, she said: "I just fainted from the shock, so it's nothing serious."

The other people who followed saw that Lin Che, a dual-line genius like Weinan, was unable to crack the formation, but was still entangled in the chains in the formation. They were stunned and took a few steps back in fright, but the three The bully was like a newborn calf, not afraid at all, and wanted to try to enter the formation.

Lin Che bowed to Weinan, with a clear voice: "His Royal Highness Prince Xilan, this formation is not trivial, you should not rush in."

Xi Lanming didn't listen to his words, raised his eyebrows and said: "Although this formation is weird, there is always a way to break it. My father once showed me a scroll of broken formation. I just want to learn and use it flexibly, I think I should be able to crack the formation that the third prince can't break."

Weinan Lin Che's face did not change, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, "Then I will stand outside the formation, hoping that His Highness Prince Xilan will return after breaking the formation."

Xilan Ming raised her lips and said with a smile: "Just look carefully."

After all, he broke into the formation.

Weinan Lin Che just smiled and said nothing, Xilan Manyue and Xilan Lu then also entered the formation.

The purple light in the formation was extremely strange. Xi Lanming focused his attention on the movement of the two stone pillars and the chains. His serious appearance really gave people the illusion that the formation was about to break. After a long while, the corner of his lips With a hook, he dodged and flew towards the two stone pillars.

In the center of the stone pillar, the group of purple rays of light is more treacherous and brighter. If it is pierced with a sword, the spell can be broken.

"Lu'er, Man Yue, I'll give you two stone pillars, one for each of you." Taking advantage of the spare time, Xi Lanming turned his head and said something to them.

Xilan Manyue and Xilan Lu both nodded.

Xi Lanming withdrew his gaze, An Xin flew towards the center of the stone pillars, but he underestimated the power of the stone pillars, they moved extremely fast in an instant, and coupled with the hard-to-tangle chain, Xilan Manyue and Xilan Green suddenly fell into a trap. They were bound by chains, and both of them were tied to stone pillars.

"Brother, save us."

The two struggled, but the chain became tighter and tighter, almost suffocating them.

"You two, don't move around..." Xi Lanming saw the power of the chain, and immediately asked the two of you not to move around.

When the two heard this, they immediately stopped moving.

Not long after, a coquettish red flashed from the chain, flowing from the end to the top of the chain, and the complexions of Xilan Green and Xilan Manyue gradually turned pale at this moment.

"Brother, the chain is sucking our blood..."

Still suck blood?

Xi Lanming suddenly froze in place, his mind went blank, the formation was so weird, it was difficult for him to break out of the encirclement with his own strength, let alone distract the attention of the two stone pillars and save the two sisters.

Standing outside the formation, Liu Cheng patted her chest with lingering fear. Fortunately, she hadn't been sucked blood when she was entangled in chains just now. If she was sucked blood, her complexion would definitely be extremely pale.

Xi Lanming circled around in a hurry in the formation.


(End of this chapter)

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