Chapter 317 The Pink Bubble Beast

Baili Qinxue nodded clearly. She understands this. When playing online games, you still have to practice from level 0 to get a top-quality beast. The higher the level, the more powerful it will be, and the greater the power it will display.

"We follow these little yellow bubbles, and we will definitely find their king." Baili Qinxue pointed to those yellow bubbles that kept bouncing forward.

Dugu Sheng nodded, and followed closely beside her.

From the outside, the lair is small and ordinary, but when you walk in, you realize that there is a cave inside, and it is astonishingly large. The direction that the yellow bubble is heading is a winding path, which is deep and deep, and it does not know where it leads.

Baili Qinxue condensed the fire magic in her palm, instantly lighting up the entire lair, and the yellow bubble was moving forward, as if she didn't notice the two people behind her.

Baili Qinxue felt even more strange, these yellow bubbles seemed to be specially there to meet them, otherwise, how could they not notice their movements so loudly?

"I suddenly felt very strange. These yellow bubbles seem to be specially here to guide us." Baili Qinxue frowned, and the expression in her eyes gradually deepened.

Dugu Sheng's expression was as usual, with a coquettish smile: "Their kings are stubborn, they should see that you broke their formation and want to play with you, so they asked the yellow bubble to guide us forward, and I'm by your side, you should rest assured Just fine."

He turned his head sideways, his smile was overflowing, and the streamer flashed.

Baili Qinxue was startled, and slowly turned her head, the little bun turned into a big bun, the lethality of this smile was too powerful, as long as he smiled, she didn't dare to look him in the face, she pursed her lips, looked left and said to him: "You are also the one who broke the formation. It should also want to play with you."

"It was you who cut the purple light." Dugu Sheng laughed.

Baili Qinxue nodded with a half understanding.

The yellow bubbles bounced into a cave, and Baili Qinxue followed. Suddenly, her eyes seemed to be pierced by a bright light. The cave was astonishingly large and brightly lit, surrounded by green trees , delicate and beautiful flowers, there is actually a small river making a gurgling sound.

The water in the small river is clear and translucent, and the air in the cave is fresh, covered with rich aura, it is simply a paradise.

Baili Qinxue looked up, and saw countless yellow bubbles standing on the other end of the cave, roughly estimated that there were hundreds of them, densely packed, it looked very frightening, and there was a pink bubble standing in the middle of them. The pink bubble stands at the highest point, and its eyes are as elegant as amethyst. It stands quietly, with an attitude of looking down on all living beings.

High above the sky, with the bubble of kingly style, and it's still pink...

Baili Qinxue's eyes suddenly lit up, it should be him, the king of the yellow bubbles, the best bubble with the blood of the beast.

"It was you, a little human, who broke the formation of this bubble?" The pink bubble bounced down. When it bounced down, it was like a deflated ball, but when it bounced up again, it was full of air. , and returned to its original plump appearance.

This pink bubble can actually speak human language, and it has a girl's soft and waxy voice, which is very pleasant.

"It was I who cut the light into pieces..." Baili Qinxue spoke slowly, with some surprise in her eyes.

"It's a divine beast, so it's not unusual for it to be able to speak. If it can't speak, it can only be regarded as a waste." Dugu Sheng raised the corner of his mouth and said something casually.

After hearing this, Pink Bubble was not happy, it stared round its purple eyes and said: "You little human, how dare you be so arrogant in front of this Bubble, be careful I will beat you."


(End of this chapter)

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