Chapter 319 Catch You Fantastic Beast

Baili Qinxue raised her red lips and chanted softly, a pale golden light suddenly appeared on her body, and when the light disappeared, five lovely creatures appeared in the lair.

Pink Bubble couldn't help being shocked, she turned out to be a summoner, a rare summoner in a millennium, and it looked like she was just getting started, yet she was able to summon five creatures, which was really surprising.

Hahaha, it has encountered a treasure today, if it can follow the summoner to travel the rivers and lakes, it will be very face-saving when it is said, other divine beasts know, why don't they nod and bow to it?
However, it can't be pasted upside down, as this would really embarrass the beast.

"You are actually a summoner, let me show you your power." The pink bubble kept bouncing on the stone wall, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

The creatures stretched out long vines, trying to trap it.

But it was too fast, and the scene was very chaotic for a while. Baili Qinxue stood on the spot and quietly observed the movement of the pink bubble. .

She communicated with the creatures for a while, and finally condensed the fire magic in her palm.

Fire magic is hot and dazzling, extremely pure.

Seeing the pink bubble bouncing towards it, Baili Qinxue threw several fireballs in the same direction, and the creatures guarded in the opposite direction to capture it with long vines.

The pink bubble eyes showed excitement, the summoner actually played tricks with it, it was so much fun, never met such an interesting human being.

"It's amazing, but this Bubble won't let you catch it." Pink Bubble said confidently: "Although your spiritual power is strong, if you cast summoning and fire magic for a long time, your spiritual power may be damaged." Overdraft, you can't catch me."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, calmly said, "Really?"

Pink Bubble was taken aback, secretly feeling something was wrong.

Baili Qinxue kept feeding herself the magic pills, and the strength in her body became full again in an instant, and the strength of her subordinates became more and more ruthless, and the movements of the five creatures became more precise.

The pink bubble was frightened immediately.

Where did this monster come from? Is the pill a candy?
Why is she stuffing it in one by one like eating candy without pausing? How many pills are there? Have all the pills on the mainland turned into Chinese cabbage?
If it is not mistaken, there are some middle-grade pills among them, and the quality is above ninety. Is the human medicine refining on the mainland so powerful?

While Pink Bubble was in a daze, five creatures stretched out vines and entangled it tightly.

Pink Bubble struggled for a long time, but didn't break free.

The yellow bubbles bounced on the ground for a long time, whimpering and whimpering in their mouths as if they were protesting something, the hateful human beings quickly put their king down, how could the king's noble body be trampled by human beings.

Baili Qinxue asked the creatures to pull down the vines a little bit.

The pink bubble that had been flying into the air finally landed on the ground, but its round body was still tightly entangled by vines. It blinked, feeling a little shame and a little excitement in its heart.

The shame is that it was caught by a human, and the excitement is that it can travel the rivers and lakes with Master Summoner.

What a contradiction!
Dugu Sheng stretched out his hand, patted it on the head and said: "It's your good fortune to follow my family, Axue, don't act like you're going to die."


(End of this chapter)

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