Chapter 327

Dugu Sheng sneered and said: "My formation is enough to strangle you to death, why set up any conspiracy, it's just troublesome."

"You want to stay?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows with a smile.

Ghost Knife raised his big knife and roared: "Idiots want to stay in such a ghostly place."

"Of course we want to leave." Lone Wolf also echoed.

Baili Qinxue stepped aside and looked at them with a half-smile, "The cage that trapped you has been removed, you can go."

The lone wolf stepped out again. Seeing that nothing strange happened, he stepped out with both feet boldly and took a few steps forward.

Sure enough, nothing happened, very safe.

Seeing this, the other three stepped out boldly.

"Sure enough, we keep our word. Our Sun Thieves swear that we will never steal your things in the future. If you want to contract monsters, we will never make trouble. If you violate this promise, it will be like this clothes." The lone wolf snatched away the evil spirit. The sword in the sword's hand only heard a "hiss".

The sharp sword cut across the sleeve of the garment, and the sleeve of the garment was cut into several sections in an instant.

He threw the cut cloth into the air, and the cloth dangled for a while and soon fell to the ground, sinking into the mud.

"Okay, I'll write down what you said." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her eyes flickering.

"By the way..." Fengren just wanted to lift his foot to leave, but he stopped as if thinking of something, and said to Baili Qinxue: "There is a tomb in the deepest part of Taoyuan Cave, which is very large and stretches as far as the eye can see. We found a lot of good stuff just getting into the middle position, and I think there should be a lot of good things in the deepest part."

"That's right, that tomb is quite weird, and there are many dangers inside. It took all of our strength to enter the middle position. One can imagine how dangerous the deepest part is." The lone wolf still has a little fear when thinking of that tomb. .

"Damn it, I thought I was going to die inside." Ghost Sword cursed.

"However, if it's you guys..." Feng Ren grinned, pointed his finger, and suddenly burst into a maniacal laughter, "Ahaha, you should be able to enter the deepest part, because you are very interesting. "

"Is it the deepest tomb in Taoyuan Cave?" Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and said, "Sounds very interesting, thank you for telling me."

"It's nothing." The lone wolf waved his hand and said: "You let us go, and we will tell you the information in return. This is also a deal."

Baili Qinxue nodded her forehead lightly.

As soon as the words fell, the four of them flew out of the formation without stopping.

"Xuexue, you just let them go like this?" Little Pink crossed Xiaoman's waist, her face bulging and said, "I still want to hear what that Mr. Lin did to them, such a fun thing, how did you do it?" Won't you listen to them?"

"Forcing them to say that it may expose the scars on their hearts, I'm not that malicious." Baili Qinxue played with the broken hair on her shoulders, her eyes were full of light, she said: "And forced out The things may not be true, since they are worried about Mr. Lin, they will definitely do something else, and there will be opportunities to meet in the future, let's watch the show for now, some things will always come to light."

"Xuexue, how did I find out..." Little Pink pouted her lips, blinked her eyes, and said, "You're so thoughtful, and you still say you're not mean, but you're clearly very mean."

It took Dugu Sheng into consideration, so it was very light.


(End of this chapter)

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