Chapter 355 I Have Endured Long Enough
She waved the sharp blade in her hand to bully her, Dawangba used the hard shell on her back to block its attack, Baili Qinxue did not dodge but focused her eyes, and slashed towards its hard shell, several times in a row Down.

The big bastard let her chop, he knew that the little girl's attack was like scratching an itch, and it couldn't do much harm at all.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and smiled coquettishly: "Is it really impossible to cause any harm..."

As soon as the words fell, there was only a "click", and Da Wang Ba's expression suddenly changed.

Its hard shell, its incomparably strong hard shell was actually broken by a little girl, and it was smashed with only a long sword...

"It's not a small sword, but a sharp sword fused with two kinds of magic..." Baili Qinxue's expression froze, and the smile on her lips only increased.

At this time, her hands were already bloody and bloody, and the blood was gurgling, and the bloody aura gradually spread.

Dugu Sheng looked gloomy, and let out a low laugh from the corner of his mouth.

The voice was low and deep, revealing countless coldness.

"Ah Xue, you have done well enough. Not only have you gained experience in actual combat, but you have also learned how to fuse the two kinds of magic together in adversity." Dugu Sheng tried his best to keep her voice soft, not wanting to frighten her. He said again: "Didn't you say that we will weather the wind and rain together, and..."

Dugu Sheng raised his eyes, his dark pupils were like two black holes, his expression could not be seen clearly, but there was a bone-chilling coldness, and a kind of heart-wrenching forbearance, he cracked his lips and said: "I have endured long enough."

An almost low-pitched sigh sounded in the alleyway, mixed with all kinds of forbearance and struggle, bit by bit it fell into Baili Qinxue's ears.

He has been refraining from making a move, because he believes that she will successfully integrate, and there is that sentence that can withstand the wind and rain?
Baili Qinxue's body and mind trembled, and she couldn't help putting away her magic and retreating to his side to stand upright.

"Well, weathering the wind and rain together, fighting side by side, the rest will be left to you."

Dugu Sheng raised his lips, and when he saw her bloody hands, he withdrew his expression, his dark eyes were almost deep and cold, frighteningly cold, he flicked his sleeves, and approached slowly.

"Good job, have you touched my bottom line consciousness?"

Da Wang Ba ignored the coldness in his eyes, and roared so arrogantly that he raised his head to the sky, gradually releasing poisonous miasma.

The corners of Dugu Sheng's mouth hooked slightly, his expression was like a ghost breaking free from its chains, he could no longer endure, no longer struggle, and let go of everything... At this moment, the miasma emitted by Dawang Ba almost swallowed him.

Baili Qinxue stood quietly, without any worry in her eyes.

He believed in her, and she also believed in him, the strong will not be corroded by a little miasma, not to mention that he is Dugu Sheng, who has always been by her side, and said that he will weather the storm with her Sheng.

Just when she blinked her eyes lightly, she saw sharp blades assembled by wind magic, breaking through the miasma, and attacking the king through the air.

In the quiet air, there are hundreds, no, tens of thousands of sharp blades that have been transformed into wind magic, densely packed, and the sharp tips at the top emit a cold light, which is chilling.

Baili Qinxue's eyes were shocked, how could so many sharp blades be transformed by wind magic?

Is this really still magic, isn't it a sword shot from an army?It's amazing, it's really amazing, magic can do this!

The miasma in front of him was torn apart by thousands of sharp swords until it dissipated completely.

Dawangba never thought that his own miasma would be so vulnerable. This hateful human being severely damaged its self-esteem as a tenth-level high-level monster!
It raised its head to the sky and screamed, and kicked its four short legs towards Dugu Sheng, hitting the ground directly with its four short legs.

The ground shattered, and pebbles flew into the air again.


(End of this chapter)

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