Chapter 359 What to use to detoxify?

It would take a lot of trouble to explain, and it might involve them too, Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, but finally did not say these things out of her mouth.

She smiled, followed Zhao Yu's words, and continued, "It's a coincidence to meet it. By the way, why are you three in this kind of place? Something must have happened when you were eroded by miasma poison, Xuanyuan What about Po and Mu Liu?"

A team of five people, Baili Qinxue only saw the three of them, but did not see Xuanyuan Po and Mu Liu.

"We heard that there are many treasures in this tomb, so we wanted to come in and check it out. We never thought that there are many dangers inside, such as man-eating ants, stone coffins with hidden weapons, a bunch of small snakes, and the scorching fire. Magma..." Zhao Yu rubbed his arm and suddenly felt a chill, and he said again: "Fortunately, there are two masters by my side, and everyone worked together to overcome these difficulties, but, here..."

Zhao Yu gritted his teeth, and there was a slight pause in his voice.

Lin Wanwan was playing with the stinky bear's fat paws. At this time, the stinky bear in his arms slowly woke up. When the stinky bear saw the standing Baili Qinxue, his eyes sparkled, and then saw the little pink next to her, his eyes were even more like The stars twinkle like stars.

If there is no trace of popularity on her body, she is of the same kind, and she can change shape, and she is so beautiful.

The stinky bear held his face, and little stars appeared in his eyes.

Little Pink frowned, where did this stupid dog come from, he has the same virtue as stupid Erhuo.

The stinky bear wagged its tail and threw itself on its lap. Little Pink's face was embarrassing and disgusted.

Lin Wanwan clapped his hands cheerfully and said, "Hmm... the stinky bear has finally found a similar kind that he likes, and I am very happy as the owner."

Little Pink: "..."

Looking at their interaction, Wei Nanzi frowned, and then Zhao Yu said: "This place is filled with the poison of miasma, which obstructs the sight, and miasma turtles have come to attack many times. Our formation was quickly disrupted and panicked. I fled to this place in a short time, and I couldn’t move because of the miasma, and when I woke up, I knew that you saved us, and Xuanyuan Po and Mu Liu probably got separated because of the chaos just now.”

"Xuanyuan Po and Mu Liu are powerful, so there shouldn't be any danger." Zhao Yu held his chin and thought carefully for a while.

Baili Qinxue had seen how powerful Xuanyuan Po and Mu Liu were, so she also nodded subconsciously, and said, "When I came here, I saw that there were three trails here, Xuanyuan Po and Mu Liu should have entered one of them, and they must have thought of a way to get out. "

"By the way, little girl, what did you use to detoxify us?" Zhao Yu pointed to Little Pink, and said, "This magical beast can't explain clearly either. It keeps pointing at the toad on top of its head, saying that it helped detoxify us." .”

Little Pink really wanted to kick his lower body off, it was a divine beast, not a low-level monster.

"There was a big toad on one floor, do you still remember?" Baili Qinxue asked with a smile.

"Remember." Zhao Yu nodded, "That toad took the initiative to provoke us, and we worked together to injure it, so that we can successfully enter the next floor."

The toad on top of Little Pink's head jumped, it was these people who injured it, it's abominable!
"That toad is a thousand-year-old toad. The ice silk it spits out can detoxify. It can't stand the pressure brought by the beast, so it can only spit out the ice silk obediently." Baili Qinxue touched her chin, thought for a moment, and murmured Yu said: "I always feel that the organs inside are closely linked. There is miasma, but there are toads that can detoxify. As long as I can discover this, it should not be difficult to get to the end..."


(End of this chapter)

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