Chapter 365 A puppet with tangled strings?
Baili Qinxue smiled relievedly, the journey of the strong is too lonely, it is interesting to grow and progress together with friends.

She opened the stone door, and in an instant, the situation on the eighth floor came into view.

The eighth floor is particularly bright and transparent, unlike the previous few floors which are dark and deep. It looks calm at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that there are many skeleton skeletons in the center. These skeletons are dead but can still stand. It is straight, and the two big eye holes on the skull are dark, especially weird.

Baili Qinxue stood where she was, not daring to rush forward.

"Look quickly, the skeletons of those skeletons are actually hung with thin wires, so that they can stand." Zhao Yu found this, and couldn't help but said: "I'll just say, skeletons are dead things. How can you stand like a living person?"

Baili Qinxue looked up, and sure enough, she saw that every skeleton was wrapped with a thin thread. The thread was so thin that you couldn't see it if you didn't look carefully. why?

Baili Qinxue frowned tightly, still not daring to rush in.

And the mechanism stone gate is just opposite the skeleton skeleton, if you don't break in, you can't reach the next floor.

"Why do you need to break in? You just need to try it with a small stone. After you try it, you will have a bottom line in your heart." Seeing her frowning, Dugu Sheng stretched out his hand to smooth the wrinkles between her brows, and smiled. Yi Yanran said.

Baili Qinxue thought that he would always try to throw a small stone, and she blamed her for being too impatient to think of this. Hearing what he said, the anxiety in her heart was gradually soothed.

Dugu Sheng saw that her eyes had returned to normal, and the smile in her eyes was even brighter.

He made a move and threw the small stone in his hand.

There was a soft "bang", which was especially abrupt in the silent tomb. It was this soft sound that seemed to pull the skeleton's soul back from hell. The sub-skeleton moved rapidly, shooting out fine poisonous needles from all over the body.

Tens of thousands of poisonous needles can stab a person into a hornet's nest in an instant.

There were also several skeletons wielding long knives, as if they wanted to split the intruders in half.

After about a stick of incense, the skeletons stopped and returned to their respective positions. They continued to hang their heads like harmless dead objects. It can be seen that after seeing how powerful they are, they no longer think so.

Zhao Yu stroked his arm and said, "It's such an insidious mechanism. After breaking in, he was either stabbed to death with a poisonous needle or cut in half with a big knife..."

Wei Nanzi frowned, and said with a restrained expression, "And it lasted for a stick of incense. If the time was shorter, we should be able to find a way to break through."

"These skeletons are suspended by thin wires, like dolls wrapped in strings. If the thin wires are cut off..." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and her eyes fell on various thin wires. There was a flash of coldness.

After all, Baili Qinxue had already condensed two lines of magic in the palm of her hand, and the two lines of magic turned into sharp blades at the same time, which shocked Zhao Yu and the three of them to look carefully with wide-eyed eyes, thinking they had made a mistake.

But after watching for a while, the sharp blade formed by the two systems of magic is still flashing in front of my eyes, and the sharp cold light at the top pierces people's eyes. It is unheard of to be able to transform two systems of magic into a sharp blade at the same time.

Wei Nanzi clenched her fists tightly, the gap seems to be getting bigger and bigger, but as long as you don't give up, the gap won't get bigger and bigger, you can't see the edge at a glance...


(End of this chapter)

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