Chapter 379 Playing a Small Game with It
Baili Qinxue brandished her sharp blade, and instantly chopped off the current sprayed out by the fox.

That sword was as fast as lightning, and it was done in one go.

The fox's eyes widened suddenly, and he didn't know that a small human could fuse two kinds of magic together. When did ordinary humans on the mainland become so powerful?

It's nothing more than being able to fuse, but it can actually chop up the electric current it spouts with a sword. You know, it sucks the spiritual energy of the divine fire every day, and its power cannot be underestimated.

"The power should not be underestimated?" Baili Qinxue heard its inner voice, and couldn't help but sneered: "I have seen more powerful electric current than yours, so your electric current is not worth mentioning in front of me."

After finishing speaking, she twirled the sharp blade in her hand, and the sharp blade flashed a cold light, and the scattered light could not be ignored.

The fox was furious, its fangs were exposed, and its face was ferocious.

At this time, Little Pink had already pushed the stone man into a desperate situation, and it kept waving its big hammer, showing its pride and strength as a divine beast to its heart's content.

The stone man hurriedly used his stone arm to resist the attack, but Little Pink's strength was so great that a lot of stones on its stone arm were knocked down where the hammer passed, and the broken stones fell to the ground one after another, and the stone man felt a tingling pain all over his body. spread.

"Now you know how powerful I am as a divine beast, haha." Little Pink held a hammer in her hand, her eyes sparkled, she was almost as bloodthirsty as a wild beast was injured, but that kind of madness did not make her lose her mind, but instead made her eyes The color became clearer and more rational, frighteningly rational.

The stone man beat his chest with his hands and roared to the sky. After the roar, he rushed towards Little Pink as if he had been possessed by an evil spirit, as if he wanted to fight her to the death.

The little pink eyes flickered, and a mischievous smile flashed in the purple eyes. He put his finger on the corner of his lips, smiled and said: "The little thing who is self-respecting, dares to play with Ben Bubble, and Ben Bubble will die." Have fun with you..."

After saying that, Little Pink stood there without moving. Seeing the opportunity came, the stone man rushed forward, as if he wanted to give it a big blow.

Little Pink only felt a black shadow passing by in front of her eyes, and then the black shadow fell quickly, and the corner of her lips curled up, dodging away.

Little Pink stuck out her tongue at the stone man, and said mischievously: "Little thing, come and catch me, come and catch me, if you can't catch me, you're an idiot..."

The very provocative tone made the stone man jump his feet in anger. It dragged its bulky body to "bang bang bang" and ran in the direction of little pink. Dodge away, so repeatedly...

Little Pink was as swift as a civet cat, but the stone man was as clumsy as a snail. After less than half a cup of tea, the stone man was already out of breath, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't lift them up.

Little Pink laughed with her hips on the spot, and her purple eyes hinted at sarcasm, "Although it is a little thing that has opened up its intelligence, its brain is still stupid. Didn't you see that I was teasing you, idiot."

Hearing this, the stone was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he was too tired to speak at all. The little pink eyes turned sideways, and he kicked the stone man a few meters away. The stone man flew out and hit the stone wall in an instant.

There was a loud "bang", and the entire tomb seemed to shake three times. The stone man was hit and fell directly on the ground, but he didn't completely faint.

Little Pink opened her robe, squatted beside the stone man and gloated, "Little thing, now you know how powerful you are."

The stone man was knocked dizzy, he didn't say a complete sentence, he just gritted his teeth at it instinctively, Little Pink slapped it on the head and said, "You idiot, you made me look ugly, toad Spit out ice to freeze it to death."


(End of this chapter)

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