Chapter 383 Contract Warcraft!

Lin Wanwan and Smelly Gouxiong completely ignored the furious expression of the fox, and they had already considered the winter so long ago.

The fox was helpless.

At this time, Baili Qinxue had already left on her own initiative, walked to Dugu Sheng and sat down.

She will not prevent the three of them from communicating with the monsters.

Dugu Sheng stretched out his hand, passed through her hair with his slender fingertips, and gently brushed the broken hair, and his eyes were also stained with a touch of pampering and softness, and then gradually faded away, charming people's hearts.

When Baili Qinxue looked into his eyes, she only felt the depth and immensity, as if she was about to be sucked in. She was startled, and looked away calmly.

"Axue, why don't you go get the fire?" Dugu Sheng chuckled.

Baili Qinxue murmured softly, "I'm tired, I'll go later, I won't run long anyway."

Dugu Sheng was full of smiles, but didn't speak.

At that time, the big tiger was completely overwhelmed by the power of Weinanzi's thousands of fireballs. It lay on the ground and watched Weinanzi bite his finger, watched Weinanzi drip blood on its head, and waited for it to turn around. When God came, he had already been contracted out.

It blinked its eyes without any complaints. This human being is quite powerful and has potential, and there is absolutely no disadvantage in following him.

Little Pink and Toad are bullying the stone man. Half of the stone man's body has been frozen by the icy air. The stone man's eyes turned white and he fainted several times.

"Master Divine Beast, please don't bully me anymore..." The stone man was exhausted physically and mentally, and his whole body was in a mess.

"Then obediently make a contract with that idiot." Little Pink pointed to Zhao Yu beside her.

idiot? ...Zhao Yu just raised his lips helplessly, and didn't bother with a beast.

The stone man nodded suddenly, all the arrogance on his body had been wiped out, he said: "The contract makes the contract, I make the contract, don't let this toad spit ice silk."

With a wave of Little Pink's sleeve, the toad immediately stopped spitting ice silk.

Zhao Yu took this opportunity to bite his finger, a drop of blood dripped on the top of the stone man's head, and the contract was completed in an instant.

The two of Zhao Yu and the others have already signed a contract with the beast, and Lin Wanwan is still trying to win over the fox, but the fox is arrogant and indifferent to her, Lin Wanwan gritted his teeth, rolled his eyes, and had no choice but to use his trump card .

She took out a meaty bone from the space, which she saved and didn't eat yesterday, and she was a little bit reluctant.

She reluctantly handed the meaty bone to the fox's mouth and said, "Well, Fluffy, you can eat meat every day with me, and you can also eat the weapons I refined. The stinky bear said they were delicious."

After all, she took out the weapons in the space together, all kinds of weapons radiated light, and directly stabbed the fox in the eye.

This seemingly weak girl is actually a weapon refiner, and the things she refines are not bad. Eating this kind of weapon can also help her cultivation, and she can also eat meat every day... There is always something to earn Feel.

The fox was secretly happy in his heart, but he didn't show his thoughts.

Lin Wanwan helped it smooth its hair, and continued to seduce: "Well, following me can help you smooth your hair every day, help you take care of it cleanly, and make you the most handsome existence on the mainland, just like a stinky bear. I will hold you every day..."

The fox shrugged his ears, so, isn't it like being offered by the uncle?
Simply excellent.

The fox opened his mouth, and finally said: "For the sake of your sincerity, I will reluctantly be your contract monster."


(End of this chapter)

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