Chapter 385 Shocking! !
"Since Shenhuo likes Axue very much, Axue might as well put his hand on the crystal and feel the heat of Shenhuo carefully, maybe something good will happen." Dugu Sheng raised his lips, and his slender eyelashes trembled slightly.

Baili Qinxue's eyes flickered, she felt a sense of enlightenment, she smiled and said, "I'll give it a try."

Dugu Sheng also hooked his lips into a smile.

The three of Zhao Yu and the others stepped forward, and Little Pink collected the ice threads that the toad spit out just now, then clapped her hands and walked to where Zhao Yu and the others were standing.

From this position, you can clearly see Baili Qinxue and the others, as well as the constantly blooming and burning divine fire in the crystal. The divine fire is dazzling, like a blooming spark, extremely beautiful.

"Xuexue is mighty, she will surely subdue Shenhuo." Little Pink tugged at the toad's forelegs, her expression excited.

The fox sneered, they have guarded this place for so long, and the divine fire is the most precious thing, they are human and arrogant, how could they be subdued by a small human being?

Little Pink gouged it out, and the toad in her hand knew that Little Pink's mind was about to move, wisps of icy air spread from her mouth, and the temperature in the cave gradually dropped.

The stone man shuddered. After seeing how powerful the toad is, it still has lingering fears. It couldn't help swallowing, and said cautiously: "Boss Linghu, that toad is very powerful. I was frozen just now!" Half dead, you should be more careful in your words and actions in the future, that divine beast will take revenge."

The fox blinked its dark eyes, its tail was still raised high, but its expression was obviously a little less proud than before. Little Pink was very happy to see this, and the toad immediately stopped spitting ice silk, and the temperature in the cave returned to normal. After recovering, the stone man secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and his body finally stopped shaking.

The big tiger wandered around in front of Wei Nanzi, the more he looked at him, the more satisfied he was.

Wei Nanzi frowned deeply.

At that time, Baili Qinxue had already put her hand on the crystal, she closed her eyes and felt a burst of heat rushing into the palm of her hand, it was hot but not hot.

She felt the scorching heat of the divine fire carefully, and it didn't take long for her to fully adapt to the heat, and the divine fire kept blooming, blooming, and blooming under her palm...

Then, it gradually sank into her palm.

"Look, the divine fire seems to be getting dimmer..." Zhao Yu couldn't help being secretly surprised when he discovered such a change.

Wei Nanzi looked up, and couldn't help but froze in place. The divine fire didn't burst out of the crystal, but directly entered Baili Qinxue's palm. Wouldn't it be that the palm was scorched when such hot divine fire entered the palm?

But Baili Qinxue's palms were still white and smooth, her face did not show any pain, and she was still as calm as before, Wei Nanzi was shocked again, as expected, this divine fire fit her so well.

The three big guys also stood there dumbfounded. They had guarded for such a long time, and they had never seen Shenhuo so obediently, and they would obediently enter the palm of a humble human being, which blinded the monster's eyes.

Lin Wanwan was playing with the fox's tail, she couldn't put it down because of the furry touch, and the blush on her face never faded.

Little Pink put her hands on her hips, smiled triumphantly: "You see, this is Xuexue's strength, tremble you three little things."

The three big guys looked dull, and could no longer hear what little pink was saying.

The color of the divine fire under the palm became lighter and lighter, and became almost transparent...

Dugu Sheng lifted the broken hair in front of his forehead, and carefully watched the change of Shenhuo, but there was no hint of shock in his eyes, only a smile, as if he had already guessed everything.


(End of this chapter)

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