Chapter 401

Back then, he could only refine the Xuantian Pill with a quality of sixty, and this little girl was even better than him back then, so he must give her a good run.

Dongfang Duo'er was immersed in her own world, and she hadn't heard what Master Jiayin was saying. Instructor Zhao gave her a wink, and at the end, couldn't help reminding: "Duo'er, Master Jiayin is calling you ?”

"Ah?" Dongfang Duo'er asked confusedly, "What's the matter?"

Master Jiayin sneered, he could refine Xuantian Pill with such a stupid appearance, wouldn't it be a lie?
Dongfang Duo'er was very unsteady today, Instructor Zhao's eyes were sullen, but he didn't show it, he said: "Master Jiayin asked you to refine a Xuantian Pill on the spot."

"Xuantian Pill is good..." Dongfang Duoer nodded with a smile.

Instructor Zhao had already ordered people to prepare the materials for refining Xuantian Pill, Dongfang Duo'er was a little late, and after carefully savoring what Instructor Zhao said, she just stood there in a daze.

Telling her to refine Xuantian Pill, wouldn't it make her make a fool of herself on the spot?
The previous Xuantian Pill was brought by her long legs, and she was so cheap that she actually agreed to it, what should I do?She doesn't know how to refine Xuantian Pill at all.

Dongfang Duo'er looked at the medicinal herbs on the table, only felt that one head was two big, and she didn't know how to get started.

Baili Qinxue raised her head and looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, she wanted to see what she could refine, if she couldn't refine it, she would be ashamed.

When she met her gaze, Dongfang Duo'er's face turned blue and white, and this bitch actually laughed at her.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm a little flustered now. Can you let me slow down?" Dongfang Duo'er said, and suddenly cast her eyes on Baili Qinxue, her eyes were sharp and poisonous, "Duguxue has been in the pharmacy for a long time. , I couldn’t make pills originally, but she told me a few days ago that she could make blood-activating pills and spirit-returning pills..."

The corner of Baili Qinxue's mouth twitched, who told her that?

"So, I want to give this opportunity to her first." Dongfang Duo'er said generously: "Let her first refine a blood-activating pill or a pill of returning to the gods on the spot, and let Master Jiayin comment on it."

She spoke generously, which made Instructor Zhao highly appreciate, "Master Jiayin, what do you think?"

"It's up to you." Master Jiayin rubbed his temples, feeling a little tired.

Seeing that the matter had settled down, Dongfang Duo'er looked at Baili Qinxue happily, and Baili Qinxue met her gaze with a light and cold smile, showing no sign of nervousness or fear.

Dongfang Duo'er was confused, trying to see a trace of nervousness and fear in her eyes, but it was in vain. This bitch must be pretending to be calm, and when the time comes, she will show her true colors and not make a fool of herself in public, and let her be proud for a while.

"Duguxue, come up quickly." Dongfang Duoer gloated.

Baili Qinxue yawned and walked slowly. She wanted to find a chance to refine some pills, but Dongfang Duo'er gave her a good chance.

"Dongfang girl, thank you for giving me this opportunity..." Her voice was clear and light, revealing an indescribable deep meaning, Dongfang Duo'er couldn't understand the meaning of her words, and stood happily watching her make a fool of herself .

Baili Qinxue was processing the medicinal herbs in an orderly manner, every step was done methodically and exceptionally skillfully.

Master Jiayin couldn't help raising his head and glanced at her, obviously shocked by her skillful technique.

Dongfang Duo'er squeezed her fingers tightly, this little bitch...


(End of this chapter)

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