Chapter 599 Worse than ordinary people?
"Duo'er, is your arm really big?" Instructor Zhao sighed, and quickly changed the subject, but when he saw the empty sleeve material, his eyes darkened a bit, "It's broken. How could your arm be healed, Duoer, since you are injured, why don't you rest for a few months?"

Rest for a few months?
At that time, I'm afraid that Xiling College will have changed, and she will become worse than the servants from the daughter of a thousand gold. A few days ago, she heard the servants and maids at home talking bad things about her, and those maids are getting worse and worse. Listen to her, it's just disgusting.

"Mr. Zhao, I think the arm is already healed, so I don't need to rest anymore." Dongfang Duo'er bent her lips and smiled, but when she stroked the severed arm, her face changed.

"Since you think it's great, and since you've made up your mind to refine medicine again, then sit down and practice hard." Instructor Zhao didn't drive Dongfang Duo'er out, but also wanted to give her a chance. Expected a lot from her.

Dongfang Duo'er immediately burst into joy when she heard the words, she raised her head and sat down proudly.

Seeing her like this, the other students snorted directly.

Baili Qinxue was fiddling with the herbs on the table, casting a few glances at Dongfang Duo'er from time to time, she wanted to see what Dongfang Duo'er could refine.

"Duo'er, come and refine a Rejuvenation Pill first, let me see if you have forgotten the skill of refining medicine these few days." Instructor Zhao's voice suddenly came over.

Dongfang Duo'er was taken aback, and then nodded with a smile, "I'm going to make a recovery pill now and show it to everyone."

She also refined elixir at home, but she just couldn't make it out. Maybe it was because her arm hurt a lot a few days ago, so she couldn't exert her usual strength.

Today, my arm doesn't hurt, and I came to the alchemy room that I have been thinking about, and I can definitely refine the elixir.Dongfang Duo'er was handling the medicinal herbs on the table, but she was missing an arm, so it was very inconvenient to handle.

It should have been done in half an hour, but it took her more than an hour, and it still hasn't been cleaned up. Dongfang Duo'er was so anxious that her head was sweating, and even the broken arm was aching.

Seeing this, Instructor Zhao couldn't help shaking his head.

Seeing the disappointment in Teacher Zhao's eyes, Dongfang Duo'er quickly processed the herb like a chicken blood, and then took out the small stone to control the flame. In an instant, the flame shot up so high that it scared Dongfang Duo'er. Jump.

She took a deep breath and tried her best to control the flame on the small stone, but the flame inside fluctuated up and down, completely refusing to obey Dongfang Duo'er's commands. If the other arm was present, this situation would not have happened.

Dongfang Duo'er gritted her teeth, looking a little pale.

"Duo'er, if you feel unwell, stop quickly." Instructor Zhao saw that something was wrong with her. Sure enough, a genius without an arm would not be a genius, and he might be worse than an ordinary student, hey.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm fine." Dongfang Duo'er gritted her teeth.

"If you can't bear it, you have to stop quickly." Seeing that she was so stubborn, Teacher Zhao could only remind her in a low voice.

Dongfang Duo'er's attention was all on the small stone, the burning flame inside made her feel a burning pain, and her broken arm hurt more and more, her face was contorted in pain, feeling like she was about to die.

Suddenly a ray of flame shot up high, followed by a deafening sound.

"Bang bang, bang bang—"


(End of this chapter)

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