Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 601 Bitch, do you want to replace him?

Chapter 601 Bitch, do you want to replace him?
What's so good about the little bitch, isn't she just learning how to make medicine, and dreaming about taking her place, bitch!
She tried her best to bear it, and when Teacher Zhao left after teaching, all her emotions burst out.


She brushed the herbs off the table, her cheeks contorted with anger.

The students were startled when they saw that Dongfang Duoer was going crazy.

"Dongfang Duoer, why are you crazy?"

"Shut up." Dongfang Duo'er glanced at the students and said angrily: "A group of little sluts dare to talk behind my back and not piss to see what kind of thing they are. Gossiping in front of the lady, I am a genius in refining medicine before and now, and a lowly country girl who came from behind deserves to be compared with me?"

Dongfang Duo'er spat, and cast her eyes on Baili Qinxue, her eyes were full of contempt.

"Country girl, I heard you want to replace her?"

Baili Qinxue turned a deaf ear and remained calm.

"Country girl, Miss Ben is talking to you." Dongfang Duo'er shouted angrily.

Baili Qinxue packed up the medicinal herbs and illustrations on the table, got up and was about to leave the pharmacy.

Dongfang Duo'er rolled her eyes, raised her foot and followed, "Duguxue, stop for Miss Ben, Miss Ben is talking to you."

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and suddenly stopped in her tracks. Dongfang Duo'er stopped in time or she would run into her directly.Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips, and slowly turned sideways, her eyes were unusually clear.

Dongfang Duoer met her gaze and was immediately frightened.

There was no warmth in the clear eyes, although there was a smile but it made people tremble.

The other students stood in a corner of the alchemy room and looked at the two of them quietly, telling them intuitively that there would be a fierce battle here, and it would definitely be very interesting.

"What did the Oriental girl call me to stop?" Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes.

Dongfang Duo'er was frightened by such gaze again, she stabilized her mind and said: "You little bitch, did you pour some ecstasy soup on Teacher Zhao when I was away, and he praised you like this, you just It’s just a waste who just learned how to make medicine, and it’s worthy of comparison with Dongfang Duo’er?”

There was no anger in Baili Qinxue's eyes, but the coldness gradually deepened, "Mr. Zhao cherishes talents, not only the students in my pharmacy have been praised by Mr. Zhao, because we are not geniuses, so we have to work harder, but you said We who are hardworking are useless, Dongfang girl, you don’t seem to be very good at using words like this, right?”

The students got angry when they heard it, and accused Dongfang Duo'er one after another.

"Dongfang Duo'er, you have already broken an arm. If we are trash, you are worse than trash."

"The ones that are worse than trash are beasts, no, no, beasts are a thousand times better than you, you'd better go home, so as not to embarrass yourself here."

"Although the scrapped spiritual root is not good, you can refine the elixir at this moment, and you... steal the forbidden medicine slips, be treated as a guinea pig by Master Jiayin, and have no arms. Who told you that you are too bad on weekdays? This is retribution ah."

"Shut up you little sluts." Dongfang Duo'er rushed forward and kept yelling, "Tell me again, believe it or not, this lady tore your mouths to pieces. Don't dare to be embarrassed, didn't your parents teach you, don't offend noble children, you can afford the consequences if you offend me?"


(End of this chapter)

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