Chapter 605 Why do you need to dress up?
"Bitch." Dongfang Patriarch raised his hand and slapped her, his eyes were full of anger, "I worked so hard to get the Flame Stone for you, it's just fine if you can't make the elixir. After destroying all the flame stones, how could I give birth to such a useless thing as you?"

Patriarch Dongfang's strength was great, Dongfang Duo'er was beaten blind, and blood stains overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Patriarch Dongfang's anger was still there, and he dragged Dongfang Duo'er back with his hands. Seeing that Dongfang Xi was still in a daze, he yelled loudly: "Nizi, you also go back, the old man will lose his life today."

Dongfang Xi didn't dare to disobey his words, so he raised his foot and followed.

As soon as he got home, Patriarch Dongfang asked the maids to dress up Dongfang Duo'er.Dongfang Duo'er couldn't figure out what was going on, her face was still hurting.

"Daddy, why do you need to dress up?" Dongfang Duo'er blurted out and asked.

Patriarch Dongfang was in a fit of anger, flung his sleeves and left. Before he left, he did not forget to call Dongfang Xi, "Nizi, you also go back to my room to change into more stylish clothes. Patriarch Murong will come over later. Don't let him underestimate us."

Their voices gradually faded away, but Dongfang Duo'er frowned, what is Patriarch Murong doing here?
"Miss, please concentrate, we are going to put on makeup for you." Seeing that her thoughts were drifting away, the maids couldn't help reminding her, and seeing that she was a waste with a broken arm, her posture was slightly elevated.

Dongfang Duo'er felt very uncomfortable, how dare a little maid ride on her head?

"Little bitch, don't forget who is your master."

The servant girl was combing Dongfang Duo'er's hair. Hearing what she said, she couldn't help but increase her strength in her hands. Dongfang Duo'er struggled in pain and shouted, "Little bitch, you did it on purpose, how dare you hurt me? If this lady doesn't break your dog legs today, I swear I won't be a human being."

The strength in the servant girl's hand became a little stronger: "Miss, please don't move around when combing your hair. If you keep the Patriarch waiting for a long time, I'm afraid that Miss will make the Patriarch unhappy again."

"Little bitch, how dare you use Daddy to oppress me." Dongfang Duo'er cursed a few words, and then quickly stopped. If Daddy knew what happened to her, she would definitely not be able to bear it and walk around.

The servant girl sneered, and the strength in her hand increased again, as if she was venting the anger of these years. Dongfang Duo'er gritted her teeth in pain, but she didn't dare to say more. After more than an hour, the torment finally ended.

The maids chose a bright red skirt with embroidered flowers for her.

The skirt dragged on the ground, and the bright red gauze fluttered constantly as she walked, it was so beautiful, Dongfang Duo'er raised her chin, and her face covered with makeup was instantly exposed to the air, she was born alluring, but now she was dressed like this , even more coquettish, it's just that she has been injured these days, she is still a little sluggish, and her face is not very good.

"Miss, the Patriarch is waiting for you in the hall." The maids surrounded Dongfang Duo'er and came to the hall.

Dongfang Duo'er flicked her sleeves, walked in with her head held high and her chest held high, the belt around her waist made her slender waist even more perfect, her figure was soft and graceful, she raised her lips and smiled slightly: "Father, Patriarch Murong."

She blessed herself with a salute.

Patriarch Dongfang saw that she was courteous and thoughtful, and most of the anger accumulated in his heart disappeared. After all, she was his carefully nurtured daughter. Even if she didn't know how to make medicine, she was still impeccable in etiquette, and her face was also one of the best in a hundred.


(End of this chapter)

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