Chapter 612

He paused, then sneered, "Why would an oriental girl get it wrong for such an ordinary behavior, and what are you going to use to attract me?"

Dongfang Duo'er stood there in a daze, without speaking.

Weinan Lin Che sneered and said, "Are you using your ability to refine medicine or using your severed arm to attract me?"

He glanced at Dongfang Duo'er's broken arm, and the ridicule in his eyes was even worse.

Dongfang Duo'er's eyes widened suddenly. Is this person really the third prince she has been thinking about, the unparalleled gentleness? Why does it feel so strange, as if he has changed into a different person, so cold and scary.

"Third Prince, I..." Dongfang Duo'er wanted to say something more, but when she saw his cold eyes, she swallowed her words when she reached Sangzi's side.

"Ms. Dongfang can't talk such nonsense anymore." Weinan Lin Che reminded her aloud, and left with a flick of her sleeve.

Soon, his figure disappeared in front of Dongfang Duo'er. Dongfang Duo'er recalled what he said just now and felt a thunderous thunder, and a touch of coldness rushed from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.

The third prince she was thinking of didn't like her, and even looked at her with such cold eyes...

The sky did not know when there was a drizzle, and Dongfang Duo'er shuddered. The drizzle fell on her face and instantly woke her up. Since she can't go far away with the third prince, what's the point of marrying Murong Qing?

Murong Qing is the young master of the Murong family. In the future, after the death of the old head of Murong, he will be able to take the position of the head of the family, and she will be able to become the head of the house. What is there to care about with such an important status?
Thinking of Dongfang Duo'er's mood improved a lot, but there was still a look of disappointment on her face, she walked home slowly step by step.

The drizzle was still falling, and when Dongfang Duo'er's figure disappeared, Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng came out from the hiding place. Dugu Sheng had an oiled paper umbrella in his hand at some point. The rain blocked the way.

"This Weinan Lin Che is also cruel, to say such serious words to Dongfang Duoer." Baili Qinxue frowned thinking of Weinan Lin Che's cold eyes and cruel words.

"Dongfang Duo'er is really bothering people, and he was forced to do so." Dugu Sheng smiled crookedly. He always felt very excited after watching such a good show just now, especially Dongfang Duo'er. It was so exciting when my son was stalked and rejected.

"I guess she will accept Murong Qing's marriage proposal now. After all, after marrying Murong Qing, she can still be the head of the house. Considering the stakes involved, she should not refuse." Baili Qinxue looked at Dongfang Duo'er leaving The direction to go, at this time the light rain has turned into heavy rain, fine and dense, hazy.

With the sound of rain, Dugu Sheng's voice came slowly through the rain curtain, "It doesn't matter what Dongfang Duo'er thinks, I just need to quietly look at Axue in front of me."

Is this mouth full of honey?

Baili Qinxue blushed, she turned sideways and said, "I want to know now, what Baili Liuxu will think when she finds out about this, after all, she has a very good relationship with Murong Qing..."

"We'll find out after a while. If Axue wants to, how about giving them some more surprises?" Dugu Sheng bent his eyes, and if he wanted to suppress the three major families, it would be easy to start with this matter.

"Let's just wait and see what happens." Baili Qinxue looked forward, and a gleam of coldness appeared in her dark eyes.

Dugu Sheng nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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