Chapter 618

Baili Qinxue tore off the wet towel from the wooden shelf and threw it to him, then turned around and walked to the bed, "Go wash up, I'm going to sleep first."

The wet towel was thrown onto Dugu Sheng's face in no time. He tore off the wet towel, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He obviously took three cold showers, and there was no way there was any dirt on his face. His Axue must be Shy, must be.

Thinking about it this way, Dugu Sheng was in a very good mood, he happily held the towel and said with a smile: "Then I'll go wash up right now, even the wet towels that Axue threw over are still fragrant haha."

Baili Qinxue blushed and covered her face with a quilt.

On the second day, Baili Qinxue got up early and watered the vegetables and herbs in the yard. These things were growing very well, and she was very happy to see them.

"Little girl, there is an underground stone gambling field in the city recently, should we go there and have a look today?" Zhao Yu walked into the courtyard. He has been hanging out with four thieves in the city for the past few days. The news is also well known.

Wei Nanzi and Lin Wanwan followed in.

"Gambling with stones?" Baili Qinxue put down the kettle in her hand and asked with a smile, "Stone raw material?"

"That's right, it's raw stone." Zhao Yu sat down and said with a smile: "I heard that they dig out these raw stones by themselves, so the price is very cheap. If we can buy raw stones at a low price, then If you get something good out of it, wouldn't you make a lot of money?"

Baili Qinxue rolled her eyes, her heart moved, but she couldn't help asking: "It sounds very good, but you said it's an underground gambling quarry, can those stone raw materials only be solved on the spot?" Open, can't you take it back and solve it?"

"It seems to be." Zhao Yu scratched his hair and said, "It is true that you have to solve it on the spot. If you take it back and find it, you will be unable to eat and walk around. I also heard that many people have gone, and some people have made a lot of money. few."

To solve it on the spot...

Baili Qinxue frowned. If the people in the underground quarry discovered her skill of picking rocks with perfect accuracy, others would definitely be jealous. It would be hard to say whether she would be able to get out of the quarry.

"We can go inside to play, but we can't pick too many stones." Baili Qinxue didn't want to cause trouble, and said again: "After all, that thing needs to be untied on the spot. If we hit every shot, we might be in trouble."

"I'm such an idiot, why didn't I think of this level." Zhao Yu patted the back of his head, "Maybe it's because I stayed with my little sister for a long time, always thinking about how to earn gold coins, but only saw the one in front of me, and didn't think about it." What happens next."

"Axue, are you going to the underground quarry?" Dugu Sheng heard voices coming from the courtyard, and slowly walked out of the house, with fiery red clothes fluttering like a maple dripping blood in autumn.

"I want to go and have a look. If I can solve one or two good things casually, I can make a small fortune." Baili Qinxue raised her lips, looked around, and asked: "Zhao Yu , My little brothers usually hang out with you, why didn't I see them today?"

"Well, they are helping the people in the city catch thieves..." Lin Wanwan said.

"What, catch a thief?" Baili Qinxue frowned.

"Yeah, I'm catching thieves." Wei Nanzi frowned and said, "I heard that a thief appeared in the city recently. He specifically stole in the name of the Sun Thieves. The four of them did not allow others to slander them, so they volunteered." To catch the thief."


(End of this chapter)

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